Workshop on Resurgence, wall-crossing and geometry



Hotel Les Sources Chemin du Vernex 9 1865 Les Diablerets Switzerland
Bertrand Eynard (Direction des Sci. et de la Matiere (DSM)-IRFU-CEA - Centre d'Et), Jorgen Andersen (Southern University of Denmark), Marcos Marino Beiras, Maxim Kontsevich (IHES)

The theory of resurgence was developed to provide a deeper understanding of asymptotic series in various fields of mathematics. More recently, this theory has been applied to problems in geometry and topology, leading to a new perspective on enumerative invariants in three-manifold topology and in algebraic geometry. A remarkable synthesis is emerging, relating analytic invariants in the theory of resurgence to enumerative invariants, as well as their wall-crossing behavior. The physical framework for these phenomena is non-perturbative quantum field theory and string theory, and beautiful results and conjectures are being obtained both in physics and in mathematics.