Far Forward Physics



Milind Vaman Diwan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))

Discussion regarding the physics and detector design for the Forward Physics Facility at the LHC. 

Milind Diwan





Reference to Q-PIX 

https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.10213  Nygren,  Mei



Note from Jamie:

I wanted to let you know that today the FLUKA team at CERN presented results from FLUKA simulation of the muon flux at the FPF location.
The slides can be seen here:

The flux at the FPF is shown on slide 5 and 6 (the difference between the slides is just the colour scale), separately for mu+ and mu-.
The results are shown for a luminosity of 1e34cm-2s-1 (so need to be multiplied by 5 for the nominal HL-LHC luminosity, and 7.5 for the ultimate HL-LHC luminosity).

They show that for a region of +/-1m around the LOS the flux is of order 0.2 Hz/cm2 (mu-) and 0.1Hz/cm2 (mu+)
=> a total flux of 0.3x5 => 1.5Hz/cm2 (for nominal HL-LHC running)  

The muon rate is an order of magnitude larger when >~1m away from the LOS in the horizontal direction (this may be relevant for where to locate sensitive electronics that are not in the experiment active region).

Given that at the FPF experiments meeting in March I was suggesting that the rate could be ~10Hz/cm2 - the new results are rather encouraging.

The FLUKA team will now study possible improvements by using a sweeper magnet to reduce the flux, and also produce the muon energy spectrum at the FPF (both for region ~1m around the LOS, and for the full cavern area).


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.