Jörg Paul Rachen
(IMAPP / Radboud University Nijmegen)
We present time-resolved broad-band spectra of a complete
sample of blazars, selected by showing flat radio spectra up to 143
GHz, taken from observations with Planck, the Effelsberg 100m
telescope, and the IRAM 30m telescope. Dedicated Effelsberg
observations have been focused on times within two months around
Planck single survey scans of each source, with a cadence of 2-4 weeks
during the 4th and 5th Planck survey. The data are complemented with
flux measurements from the F-GAMMA program (Fuhrmann et. al, 2007,
AIPC 921, 249; Fuhrmann et al., 2014, MNRAS 441, 1899), and from other
Effelsberg and IRAM monitoring programs, as far as available. Planck
data are extracted employing methods used in the blind search for
variable sky signals, which allow to estimate snap-shot source fluxes
down to pointing period (i.e. hour scale) time resolution (Rachen et
al., Proc IAU GA 2015). The program thus covers 15 frequencies between
2.4 to 857 GHz and is sensitive to variability time scales from hours
over weeks up to one year, which is unprecedented in the history of
blazar monitoring.
Jörg Paul Rachen
(IMAPP / Radboud University Nijmegen)
Lars Fuhrmann
(Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy)
Albrecht Sievers
(IRAM / Spain)
Anton Zensus
(MPI für Radioastronomie)
Elina Keihanan
(University of Helsinki)
Emmanouil Angelakis
(MPI für Radioastronomie)
Hans Ungerechts
(IRAM / Spain)
Ioannis Nestoras
(MPI für Radioastronomie)
Martin Reinecke
(MPI für Astrophysik)
Thomas Krichbaum
(MPI für Radioastronomie)