13–18 Dec 2015
International Conference Centre Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Evolution of luminosity-linearsize relation for sources with steep radio spectrum

16 Dec 2015, 18:22
Level 0, Room 23 (International Conference Centre Geneva)

Level 0, Room 23

International Conference Centre Geneva

17 Rue de Varembé, 1211 Geneva


Dr Alla Miroshnichenko (Institute of Radio Astronomy, NAS of Ukraine)


We consider four samples of steep-spectrum radio sources from our catalogue UTR-2 at the decameter band. These contain galaxies and quasars of both spectral types - with linear steep spectrum and break steep spectrum. To obtain the relation of low-frequency luminosity, at the frequency 25 MHz, L_25 and linear size R of sample objects we determine one at the different redshift ranges at the frame of LambdaCDM Universe model. The derived relatios show positive power trend (L_25 ~ R^n, n = 0.5....2.0) for galaxies and quasars. Since the object's luminosity ratio for monochromatic luminosities at different frequency ranges is independent from the Universe model, one is examined on the luminosity ratio-linear size relation. For the purpose of estimate on the linear size's cosmological evolution, we determine linear size-redshift relations at the narrow luminosity bins (R ~ (1+z)^k, k = 0.7....1.87) in our samples. It is very interesting, that obtained luminosity ratio-linear size relations at higher frequency ranges (infrared, X-ray) display two branches of evolution of steep-spectrum radio sources.


Dr Alla Miroshnichenko (Institute of Radio Astronomy, NAS of Ukraine)

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