A14: Environment
- Somchai Jiajitsawat (Naresuan Univeristy)
A14: Environment
- Waraporn Rattanongpisat (Naresuan Univerisity)
A14: Environment
- Thiranan Sonkaew (Lampang Rajabhat University)
- Ronald Macatangay
The present study was carried out an experimental investigation on the effect of vortex generator materials and length to diameter ratios (L/D) on the performance of a vortex tube. The vortex tube was made from stainless. The vortex generator materials are stainless and brass. The ratio of length to diameter of the vortex tube was studied at 17.5 and 20. This experiment tested at inlet air...
Heat Transfer of a Heat Pipe on fins using Silver nanofluid
P. Meena1*, A.Seangmart1
1 Energy Innovation and heat pipe technology Research Unit (EIHTR), Department of physics, Faculty of science, Mahasarakham University, Thailand 44150Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakhum, 44150 Thailand
This research...
Effect of Position of fins to Heat Transfer of a Closed-Loop Oscillating Heat Pipe with Check Valves
P. Meena1*, W.Ainyim1
1 Energy Innovation and heat pipe technology Research Unit (EIHTR), Department of physics, Faculty of science, Mahasarakham University, Thailand 44150Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakhum, 44150 Thailand
Zeer refrigerator is an evaporative cooling system which use evaporation of water to lower temperature inside the refrigerator. Its rate of evaporation which affects rate of heat loss depends on surface area of the refrigerator. Conventional Zeer refrigerator can’t be built in large scale because its efficiency and terminal temperature difference between inside refrigerator and ambient...
Perovskite solar cells have several advantages over traditional solar cells such as the ability to control the film morphology during the deposition and crystallization of the perovskite layer. The efficiency of perovskite solar cells can be modified using physical and chemical techniques to achieve better efficiencies. In this paper, we study the fabrication of typical inverted structure...
Solar cell I-V characteristics curves are basically representation of relationship between the current and voltage at the existing conditions of irradiance and temperature. I-V curves provide the information required to configure a solar system. The parameters values of V$_o$$_c$, I$_s$$_c$, V$_m$, I$_m$ and P$_m$, which can be experimentally measured. However, the circuit parameters reverse...
The 5th May 2014 Chiang Rai earthquake is the largest earthquake in Thailand. The mainshock followed by thousands of aftershocks which located in both Pan segment (PS) and Mae Lao segment (MLS) of Phayao Fault Zone (PFZ). This complication of aftershock pattern leading to the intriguing question about the origin of mainshock whether it’s come from MLS or PS. The seismological and...
In this research, we investigated the drying of fish cracker from Narathiwat province by microwave oven. It will study the electric power transfer to microwave power. For fish cracker drying, we measure mass and moisture content various with time, density of fish cracker before and after drying, humidity absorption. By study at electric power 300W and 500W. The result at electric power 300...
Solar radiation is important to all living organisms and it is the energy source for solar technologies such as photovoltaic and solar thermal systems. Generally, the amount of incident solar radiation can be obtained from ground-based measurements. However, the number of solar radiation monitoring stations is very limited. In this work, the artificial neural network (ANN) was proposed to...
Since October 2016, NARIT has been preparing for a mega-project: Thailand national radio observatory (TNRO). It is a collaboration with the national geographical institute of Spain (IGN) to construct and operate a 40-metre radio telescope in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This presentation reviews the current status of the project. A plan of the construction is stated as well as expected outputs and...
Near infrared solar radiation (NIR) represents a large amount of the total energy of the solar spectrum. NIR is important for applying to remote satellite approaches in order to investigate an atmospheric water vapour and for other solar energy thermal applications. However, it was less investigated compared to another solar spectrum bands. Additionally, measurements of NIR are also scarce....
Atmospheric Modelling Systems have been set up on 3 High Performance Computing (HPC) environments in the Southeast Asian Region. Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF- Chem) model, various versions from 3.5.1 to 3.9.1, has been implemented over regional domains; 1) stretching across 5000 x 4500 km centred at Kathmandu, 2) covering parts of Karakolum mountains and Hindu-Kush...
A concentration of particulate matter (PM), i.e. PM10 and PM2.5, peaks annually in March from 2015 to 2018, exceeding both Thailand emission (24-hour averaged 120 µg/m3 for PM10 and 50 µg/m3 for PM2.5) and World Health Organization (WHO) standards. This study will consider relationship between the PM concentrations and meteorological data of Chiang Mai in 2018 affecting the highest PM...
Water vapour is a main natural greenhouse gas and has impact on the atmospheric system. Atmospheric water vapour can be quantified as precipitable water vapour (PWV). In general, PWV can be derived from radiosonde and spectral solar radiation measurement data. However, the spatial distribution and temporal frequency of the measurements are usually limited due to high equipment and operational...