We study the dynamics of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection under HIV antiviral drug therapy. In sense of control theory, the drug efficiency is treated as an controller. In this paper, we reduce the nonlinear terms and reconstruct problem as mathematical model in control system. The sliding mode control (SMC) is applied to control contact rate between CD4+ T lymphocyte (CD4+ T-cell)...
Nowadays, the techniques that use for cancer treatment such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy have deficiency and are not selective for killing only cancer cell. Cold atmospheric pressure plasma with dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) is one of the most important biomedical applications in cancer therapy. It can be applied to living cells and tissues and generated large amount of H2O2 and NOx...
We fabricate asymmetric gratings, which have the ratio between the opening window and period or the opening fraction, f<0.5. The gratings were fabricated by using CNC milling machine to engrave a pattern on transparent acrylic sheets.The characterization of the gratings is performed with the optical Talbot effect. The results of the Talbot pattern, as well as the intensity along the...
This research was to study student teachers’ problem-solving skill after they learned through active learning activities in Introductory Physics I, the first semester of academic year 2017. There were 101 student teachers taking this course as a compulsory for 17 weeks. The research design was one-group pre-test and post-test design. Twelve active learning activities were developed by the...
In Particle Data Analysis lab activity, aimed at undergraduate and high school students, the student is tasked with classifying collision events which contain two muons decaying from J/$\psi$ meson. The activity provides 2000 collision events from CMS detector, selected by CMS Outreach community. However, classifying 2000 collision events by hand can be a tedious task for any human, so a...
Random matrix theory (RMT), which was formulated 50 years ago, has a wide application in modeling and understanding the diverse areas of research including nuclear physics, disordered systems, information theory, string theory, statistical physics, biological sciences, finance, social systems. In the current work, we use the tools from the random matrix theory to understand the structural and...
We will give a review of the THASSOS (THAi Sky Survey of oEA stars) project which is focused on the photometric and spectroscopic search for and studies of mass-accreting pulsating components of Algol-type systems (oEA stars). We will report about recent discoveries of new oEA stars obtained with NARIT's facilities and discuss the difference in the oscillation spectra of mass-accreting components.
We study the evolution of V339 Del (Nova Del 2013) during 0.37-75 days after discovery. Spectra from the Liverpool Telescope were collected and analysed to find the velocity of ejecta (v$_{ej}$), relative radiation with respect to continuum level (R$^*$$_{\lambda}$), and FWHM of the radiation. The evolution of light curve was explained by adopting an ideal nova light curve as criteria. We...
This work analyses student understanding about propagation speed of the mechanical wave from different contexts using a model estimation of the model analysis technique. The modified version of the mechanical waves conceptual survey was administered to the first-year engineering (ENG, N = 644) and the second-year physics (PHYS, N = 37) university students. Corresponding contexts of the survey...
Kamnoetvidya Science Academy (KVIS) was founded by PTT to educate high-ability students to become future researchers and scientists, with a mission to cultivate creative thinking to drive future innovation. This is in line with the Thai Ministry of Education’s stated aim of developing students’ scientific inquiry and analytical thinking skills as part of the 4.0 goal to establish Thailand as a...
In a colony, ants demonstrate their intelligence through complex patterns and collective behaviors which are attributed from a self-organization of individual ant. Ants expressed a wide variety of adaptive intelligences such as creating the route or bridge for foraging, managing a group behavior to escape from dangerous situations without jamming, etc. Here, we develop an experimental platform...
Electrical cell lysis is one of the most efficient techniques in cell analysis in extracting intracellular components for further use or examination. Cells are exposed to high electric field strength that can rupture cell membrane due to nano-size pores creation. Thanks to microfabrication technology, electrodes can be materialized in close proximity to each other leading to high electric...
A portable and user-friendly tool was designed and built to measure pressure and temperature of the air with variable volumes. An Arduino board programmed to read pressure and temperature was installed in a closed container consisting of a syringe connected to a tightly sealed box. The volume of the air in the system can be altered by moving the piston. By considering the air as an ideal gas,...
PbS quantum dots (QDs) have been received attention as a photosensitizer for quantum dot sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs) due to their narrow band gaps, quantum size effect, and multiple exciton generation (MEG). In this work, we prepared PbS QDSSCs by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction method (SILAR) with PbS QDs deposited onto titanium dioxide (TiO$_2$), then the PbS QDs have been...
We present the 21 cm neutral hydrogen (HI) observations of 439 nearby galaxies from the Green Bank Telescope, USA. Our targets are drawn from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) program, whose sample is uniformly selected from the SDSS Data Release 13 with the stellar mass greater than 10$^9$ $M_{sun}$ and no pre-selection on galaxy type. The average redshift of...
Our group in the KVIS-ISB Student Research Collaboration Program investigated how the impact angle of a table tennis paddle affected the resulting spin of the ball. A table tennis ball struck a paddle at angles ranging from 10˚ to 80˚. Using high-speed video analysis, the angular velocity was measured for each impact angle. It was found that the sine of the impact angle was proportional to...
Learning achievement in fundamental electromagnetism performed by 110 engineering freshmen, enrolled in 2017 at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (Ratchaburi), is presented. Activities for the class had not only been conducted by traditional lecture, but also with an integrated project assignment. Two key concepts in physics, the speed of an electromagnetic (EM) wave and the...
Optical vortex is a mode of light whose phase distribution varies as exp(il$\phi$), where m is called the topological charge of the vortex and $\phi$ is an azimuthal angle in the plane perpendicular to the propagating direction. The vortex beam of charge l carries an orbital angular momentum of lℏ and has its application in manipulating micrometer-sized particles. A common method to detect...
As part of the KVIS-ISB Student Research Collaboration Program, we collaborated on designing, conducting, and analyzing research into the formation of an impact cavity when a steel ball is dropped into a liquid. The relationships between the characteristics of impact cavity formation and the density of the liquid into which the ball is dropped were investigated. Densities ranging from 0.98...
Oxygenic photosynthesis can easily be measured using O$_2$ or CO$_2$ gas exchange, oxygen electrodes, Winkler titration and $^1$$^4$CO$_2$-fixation and by PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) fluorometry. PAM estimates the photosynthetic electron transport rate (ETR) by measuring fluorescence of chlorophyll (Chl) a (> 700 nm) induced by blue (Soret, Q$_X$) band or red light (Q$_Y$) band. ...
Eggs are very good sources of low-cost and high quality protein. They are delicious and can be eaten well cooked, medium-cooked or raw. The objectives of this study were to define and determine the degree to which a hen's egg is cooked by boiling without breaking its shell. Assuming that an egg has a radial symmetry and a constant density, the moment of inertia is proportional to its mass...
As our part of the KVIS-ISB Student Research Collaboration Program we looked at how the drag force on cars driving in flooded streets depends on velocity and water depth. The relationship between the drag force acting on a car and the depth of the water that the car is driving through was investigated for a range of velocities. A model car was given a quick push along a track through water...
The quartz tuning forks (QTF) is a high quality factor (Q-factor) mechanical resonator and therefore high sensitivity to the surrounding environment. Owing to the piezoelectricity of the quartz, the compact driving system can be achieved by attached electrodes on the QTF. Therefore the QTF, attached with a sharp optical fiber or tungstein tip, is widely utillized as a shear force sensing...
Simulations of Thailand tokamak plasmas are carried out using a CRONOS integrated predictive modelling code. The code is designed in a modular structure, consisting of a 1D transport solver with general 2D magnetic equilibria, and including of several heat, particle and impurities transport models as well as heat, particle and momentum sources. In this work, a combination of a mixed...
To date, two exomoon candidates have been proposed but confirming their existence remains a challenging task as tools to fit light curves of exoplanets with moons are not yet available. Transit Timing Variation (TTV) and Transit Duration Variation (TDV) signals of transiting exoplanets due to the presence of moon, which have a phase difference of 90 degrees, provide a unique feature that can...
The research in organic-inorganic halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is taking an upward trend. This is due to their excellent photovoltaic efficiency which is exceeding 22%, ease of processability and low cost. In order to meet the energy demand of the world using this technology, the stability and efficiency of PSCs need to be enhanced. This can be achieved by using...
The ripple tank is a popular water wave phenomena demonstration tool for secondary school students. The projected wave images are observed in bright - dark patterns on a screen. This tool, however, falls short in presenting the amplitude of the waves which is another important parameter in explaining the wave phenomena. The free surface synthetic schlieren (FS-SS) method presents an immense...
This work uses CRONOS integrated predictive modelling code to simulate ion and electron temperatures of plasma in conditions for a small tokamak to be installed at Thailand Institute of Nuclear technology (TINT),under the collaboration of the Center for Plasma and Nuclear Fusion Technology (CPaF). Fusion reactions can be created in tokamak but each experiment can rather cost a huge budget. So...
The aim of this study was to fine the result of Problem Based Learning with an activity in the topic of “How can electricity cause the house fire?” The concept of this question was separated into 3 parts; short circuit cause the overload current, a large amount of current can cause high heat, and high heat over the Ignition Temperature makes the material on fire. There were 62, 7th grade...
Surface modification of titanium dioxide (TiO$_2$) substrates was performed to enhance efficiency of perovskite solar cells efficiency by inserting small organic molecules between TiO$_2$ electron transporting layer and CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ perovskite layer. TiO$_2$ substrates were immersed into a solution of amino propionic acid (APA) or amino benzoic acid (ABA) in order to tune up and improve...
Pulsars are small, dense stars which rotate up to 1500 times per second and emit radio waves in a directed beam along their magnetic axis. Pulsars are remarkably stable rotators, and by measuring the arrival times of the radio beam the pulsar can be used as a clock in space. Applications of pulsar timing have led to the first exoplanet system, stringent tests of theories of gravity and have...
CuIn$_{1-x}$Ga$_{x}$Se$_{2}$ (112-CIGS) has been proposed as a material for high efficiency thin film solar cells with reliably applicable photovoltaic properties. Higher efficiency devices can be achieved by various surface treatments and are believed to have Cu deficiency at the surface. One of the possible techniques is to have a very thin Cu-depleted surface, e.g....
The Colorado learning Attitudes about Science Survey, CLASS, has been used as a tool to measure respondents’ beliefs or attitudes about physics and how they learn physics. It is composed of 42 Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree) type questions which is classified into 8 categories, which are real world connections, conceptual connections, personal interest, sense making, applied...
The diameter measurement of sphere is very important in dimensional metrology. However, most of diameter measurement carried out by using 2 points method measuring distance from opposite site of the sphere. For work which require high accuracy or the mating part where the contact area cover the large area of the object, form error of the part is need to be determined. One of the mostly use...
PSR J10203+0038 is a transitional millisecond pulsar (tMSP) in an eclipsing binary system, which has been observed to switch between the radio loud millisecond pulsar (MSP) and low-mass-X-ray binary (LMXB) states. This behavior offers a great opportunity to study the origin of MSPs and confirming the ‘recycling’ scenario, a theoretical model of MSP's origin. We develop an automated pipeline to...
As Thailand has been preparing to operate a small tokamak, the quantitative information about the plasma in the edge and at the material surface would be insightful for future experimental operation. In this work, we numerically investigate the particle and heat exhausted from the core plasma to the limiter by employing a simple two-points model. It is found that the electron temperature at...
Glass fragments are one of evidence that can be found in many crime scenes and used to include or exclude suspects or victims from the criminal event. For many years, a typical method known as a sink-float method has been used in many investigation laboratories to prove the correspondence between the questioned glass fragments and the reference ones by matching their density values. However,...
The red or blood-color Moon is the one characteristic of Lunar eclipse phenomena. This rare event occurs when the moon orbits into the Earth's shadow. In fact, the dust, ashes or gas in Earth’s atmosphere scatter the short wavelength of sunlight (blueish light). But they allow the longer wavelength (reddish light) travel through the atmosphere to space and reflect the Lunar surface back. Thus,...
We consider cosmological scalar field evolving under exponential potential of the Non-minimal Derivative Coupling (NMDC) gravity model in Palatini formalism. Slow-roll regime is assumed. GR and metric formalism NMDC cases are compared in this study. Phase portraits show that Palatini NMDC effect restricts acceleration phase into smaller region in the phase space. NMDC effect of the Palatini...
Integrated predictive modeling code TASK/TR is used to investigate the impact of pellet injection in Thailand future tokamak. In the core region, plasma profiles are predicted by a combination of the current diffusive ballooning transport model and neoclassical transport. The pellet ablation in the background plasma is described using the neutral gas shielding model with the $\nabla B $ drift...
Abstract: In this work, we develop a robust, and portable Arduino-based logic gate training kit. It was designed to use with an electronic engineering undergraduate university course instead of using fixed laboratory experimental apparatus. The training kit provides students with the necessary laboratory tool in order to learn a fundamental concept of logic gates operation regarding six logic...
One of a few disadvantage properties of polymethylsiloxane (PDMS) is its hydrophobicity which can hinder its fluidic applications. Oxygen plasma treatment on PDMS surfaces is a conventional method in rendering them hydrophilic, however hydrophobicity returns within days after treatment. This study proposes oxygen ion implantation at the micrometer scale inside PDMS structures to ensure lasting...
The air plasma has been developed as the effective medical instruments due to providing breakthrough solutions to challenging medical problems. Air plasma selectivity and the emerging of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) play a key role in numerous biochemical pathways in living organisms i.e. nitric oxide (NO) contributes to promote wound healing processes, hydroxyl radicals ($OH$)...
Non-contact absolute thickness measurement is necessary especially to delicate specimen or optics where deformation and scratch must be avoided. The absolute thickness of a specimen can be measured using various optical methods but the refractive index of the specimen shall be pre-determined with high accuracy. In this paper, we applied an optical-domain interferometer using an optical...
A half-ring vortex near the free surface interface of water can be generated by dragging a half-submerged thin circular plate in the fluid and quickly pulling it out. This results in faster moving water in front of the plate rolling over the slower water next to the plate and creating a vortex. This vortex tends to preserve its momentum which results in the vortex continually spinning and...
Atmospheric plasma such as dielectric barrier discharge(DBD) has ability to eliminate bacteria and fungus by cell wall or cell membrane disruption directly. Ozone(O_3) is obviously created via process of DBD plasma generation and it is very harmful to human if there is more than 0.25 ppm. The objective of this research is to reduce ozone from dielectric barrier discharge plasma through...
Flatness is one of the key components that determine quality of the mating parts. It also can be used to interpret performance of the production process or the machine tools. Orientation and fixture used in holding the object also affect flatness of the surface. This paper investigated effect of the mounting configuration to flatness of the flat surface. Flatness of the optical flat diameter...
An electron/positron pair halo is formed by electromagnetic cascades that initiate when the high energy gamma-rays from extragalactic sources -- i.e. Blazar AGN -- interact with the cosmic infrared background (CIB) so that are absorbed via the electron/positron pair production process. The high energy electron/positron pairs produced could up-scatter the cosmic microwave background (CMB) so...
A photoplethysmography (PPG) is one of an alternative technique for monitoring personal health with the advantages of non-invasive, inexpensive, and easy to use. In this work, PPG is used to estimate blood pressure with the aim to construct a prototype of blood pressure monitor by photoplethysmography and calibrate with upper-arm blood pressure monitor. The NIR LED light source, and detector...
A study of nucleate pool boiling phenomenon of distilled water on a copper heating surface with rotating blades installed above the heating surface was experimentally investigated. The rotating blades were made from Polylactic acid (PLA), with the number of blade of 4 blades, a diameter of 30 mm, a length of 50 mm, a blade angle of 90o, and a core of 5 mm. The study examined the effect of a...
Nano-silica aerogels were synthesized from sodium silicate which is obtained from the reaction of bagasse ash and NaOH. Silanes and salazane was employed to control the formation and structure of silica aerogels in this study. To initiate the modification of silica aerogel properties, 1.0 M NH4OH solution was utilized. The silica aerogel resulted from the reaction was dried under ambient...
Neutron monitors usually measure the flux of cosmic rays above a geomagnetic cutoff rigidity (momentum per charge). Recently, we have developed a new capability to also study the momentum (or energy) distribution of cosmic rays. Here we use time-delay histograms collected at the Princess Sirindhorn Neutron Monitor (PSNM), Thailand, which has the world's highest vertical cutoff rigidity for a...
In this research, neutrons and gamma rays at the neutron radiography station of Thai Research Reactor, TRR-1/M1, at Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization) were characterized. The aim was to design an appropriate outer neutron collimator at the neutron radiography station for collimating neutron beam to the radiographic position, by reducing radiation scattering and...
This study examined the nucleate pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of distilled water at atmospheric pressure on a horizontal circular plate with rotating blades installed above a heating surface. The experiments were performed to explore the effects of number of blades as well as the visualization of pool boiling phenomena on nucleate boiling characteristics and the heat transfer...
A NIMT optical frequency comb was compare with an Er-fiber laser comb with repetition frequency of 250 MHz made by the Center for Measurement Standards (CMS), Taiwan by simultaneously measuring the frequency of a 633 nm He-Ne laser. The difference of average frequency measurement is 283 Hz and corresponds to a relative difference of 6.0x10-13.
Gravitational Optical Transient Observer (GOTO) is a set of telescopes primarily for optical follow-up observation of gravitational wave from projects such as LIGO and VIRGO. It can cover at least18 square degree of sky, and at most 36 square degree per pointing. The secondary objective of GOTO is to perform an all-sky survey. Each night, it could cover as much as 20,000 square degree of sky....
Cu-doped BiFeO$_3$ thin films were fabricated by spin coating method. The thin films were deposited on Pt/Si-N type substrate. X-rays diffraction were used to reveal purity and impurity of Cu-doped BiFeO$_3$ thin films crystalline structure on Cu-doping concentration as 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0, respectively. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) were used to investigate Fe and Cu elements...
Gamma irradiation has long been serving as one alternative preservation method for food and agriculture products. Initial physical interactions of gamma with biomaterials lead through radical formation, depolymerization, and molecular changes to eventual sterilization, decontamination and preservation. An effective penetration of gamma radiation homogenize the effects throughout the...
A normalized contrast method on a Superluminescent diode (SLD) low coherence interferometer could retrieve 2D image concealing under a light-scattering medium. In addition, a continuous wavelet transform on both white light and SLD vertical scanning interferometry could construct 3D profile of the interfaces in a dual-layer structure. In this research, 3D information on surface, concealing...
Perylene derivative were used as electron acceptor in non-fullerene organic solar cells using the structure of ITO/PEDOT:PSS/PCDTBT:Acceptor/TiO$_x$/Al. Unfortunately, PCDTBT:Perylenediimide photoactive device showed a low power conservation efficiency (PCE),compared to a PCDTBT:PC$_{70}$BM photoactive device. This results has been observed in reduced short circuit current (I$_{sc}$ ) and open...
This research aimed to determine the acceleration due to gravity: g, by using a free fall, a simple pendulum, a physical pendulum and the Atwood’s machine methods from an undergraduate laboratory. The experiments were designed for the student to think, analyze the data and interpret the results of an instrument using the principle of physics laboratory. In this study, the mean experimental...
This work aims to introduce a low-cost experimental set up using an Arduino board for studying the magnetic induction concept. We use a Hall Effect sensor to detect the magnetic fields inside a long solenoid applied the DC current. The results revealed that for the DC current varied from 20-160 mA, the Arduino sensor processed the magnetic fields in a range of 0.77 - 5.27 mT. Collected data...
Xylanase enzyme families play an important role in many industries due to its ability to digest the hemicellulose within plant cell walls. Developing the enzyme that can withstand extreme conditions under an industrial process and in a stomach requires an extended information in molecular scale for further protein engineering. In this study, atomistic molecular dynamics simulation and analysis...
Over the last few years, study of microfluidic flow cytometry using electrical signals has developed at a fast pace. There are several electrical detection configurations but differential impedance sensing offers a greater advantage due to its capability of cancelling common noise from the detected signal, resulting in improved signal to noise ratio. This paper presents the simulation of a...
This study aimed to develop STEM Education activities in Physics on designing and making Khom Loy (small Thai traditional hot-air balloons.) The local in the north of Thailand use Khom Loy to cerebrate important events such as Loy Krathong Day. The samples of this study were 35 students from 2 groups from high-school level and undergraduate level. The research instruments were 1.) a test of...
For various experiments to investigate quantum effects, matter-wave diffraction is an apparent example. Particle diffractions have been measured even at the large molecular level, such as the C$_{60}$ molecules. In order to describe the matter-wave diffraction of C$_{60}$ beam, we assume the initial wave functions behind a grating in form of the Fourier series with a Gaussian distribution...
Blood stains at crime scenes are among the most important types of evidence for forensic investigators. We can use bloodstains to determine the time elapsed since the crime took place by measuring the color changing of blood stain with reflectance spectroscopy. The color of blood stain changes with time from red to brown due to the change of chemical composition in hemoglobin that is...
Abstract : Specific activities of natural (40K, 226Ra and 232Th) radionuclides in 250 beach sand samples collected from 5 beaches in 5 districts which are Rachadapisek beach in Nong Chick district, Talokapo beach in Yaring district, Panarae beach in Panarae district, Wasukri beach in Saiburi district and Pamai beach in Mai Kaen district in Pattani province, have been studied and measured....
Graphene-polymer nanocomposites have attracted some attentions from researchers recently due to its potential applications as a stress sensor or a lightweight-flexible conductor. A series of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations were performed for the systems consisting of a graphene flake within 4-mer isoprene matrix to assess the conformational order of isoprene molecules at the...
High efficiency CuIn$_\text{1–x}$Ga$_\text{x}$Se$_2$ (CIGS) thin film solar cells are usually deposited on Mo-coated soda-lime glass (SLG) substrates by the three-stage co-evaporation process which is intended to create double-graded band gap. It requires short total deposition time and changing of substrate temperature in order to obtain the double-graded band gap which is quite difficult for...
One of the interesting methods used in disrupting microalgae is ultrasonication. In this study, the Keller-Miksis equation was used to simulate the dynamics of cavitation bubble inside microalgae cell species C. gracilis, C. calcitrans and Nannochloropsis sp. at frequencies of 1.0, 2.2, 3.3 and 4.3 MHz at the same acoustic intensity of 2.2 W/cm$^2$ and the physical effects of collpased...
Quantum key distribution (QKD) concerns creation and distribution of unbreakable symmetric one-time keys which are used in classical message encryption and decryption. Using quantum properties, the QKD security is enhanced by observation of qubit errors rates (QBER). Although the quantum principles, such as no-cloning theorem, imply that QKD has strong safety, the imperfect devices can yield...
Generally, Plasma consists of ions, electrons and neutrals. Neutrals are the product produced much higher than other two products, but only ions and electrons are used for surface material modification. Electron cyclotron resonance is one of the techniques to apply external magnetic field in order to increase ions and electrons of produced plasma. This work aim to study influence of external...
A generation of cross-polarized wave (XPW) in nonlinear hyperbolic metamaterials (NHMM), which are composed of periodic arrangement of gold (Au) and barium difluoride (BaF2) layers with subwavelength thickness for exhibiting anisotropy of permittivity and third-order nonlinearity, has been investigated numerically. This cubic nonlinear effect is described by degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM)...
In this work, CuOx/SnO2 nanostructures were synthesized by a microwave-assisted thermal oxidation. Mixture of Sn and Cu2O with various ratio was loaded into a cylindrical quartz tube and further radiated in a microwave oven under atmospheric ambient. The as-synthesized products were characterized by transmission electron microscope and x-ray diffractometer. The results showed that CuOx/SnO2...
In this research, cantilever based torque magnetometer was designed and built for investigation of magnetic properties of materials. Torque on magnetic moment of the sample was detected by the torsion and flexion of the cantilever. The laser beam deflected from the sample platform was detected by a quadrant photodiode. The system can be used to measure anisotropy direction of a permanent...
Hemolytic disease of the newborn or erythroblastosis fetalis occurs when there is an incompatibility between the blood types of the mother and baby. In this condition, red blood cells of the newborn are broken down and destroyed (hemolysis). When the red blood cells break down, a substance called bilirubin is formed. The Bilirubin has a pigment or coloring, it causes a yellowing of the baby's...
We developed the temperature measurement for use in the process of calibrate gauge block. The measurement equipment sense the temperature by four Pt100 temperature sensor. This sensors are very small in size and can contact with not affect the gauge block temperature. The small size sensors ability to measure the temperature of tiny piece or a big size gauge block. This temperature equipment...
The PID controller and real-time monitoring system for a low-temperature furnace was developed. The system has two part, the PID controller, and the real-time monitoring part. An Arduino mega2560 microcontroller board was used for measuring and control the furnace temperature. A type-K thermocouple and a MAX31850 IC was applied for a furnace temperature measurement. The microcontroller board...
To preserve good quality of a musical instrument, a study of its acoustic property is very crucial.. In this study, the directivity of a Thai Low-pitched Bowed String-instrument, so-called Saw-U, made by a renowned Thai musical instrument manufacturer is studied. The directivity is also quite important for other acoustical utilization, such as architectural acoustics and auralisation (e.g....
Electroporation is the technique used in creating pores on cell membrane by exposing the cell to high electric field strength. Microfluidic electroporation device takes advantages of miniaturized fluidic channel and electrode fabrication in obtaining high electric field strength using low applied voltage. In this work, the tapered microfluidic device for E. coli electroporation was developed...
The effect of the synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles (sZnO) and calcium carbonate nanoparticles (NCC) on the cure characteristics and mechanical properties of natural rubber were investigated. The sZnO synthesized by microwave assisted aqueous precipitation method using zinc nitrate hexahydrate and sodium hydroxide as a precursor. The morphology of the sZnO is a spherical shape with the...
Methyl ammonium lead iodine CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ based perovskite with low degree of disorder is of great interest for optoelectronic and photovotaic applications.In this work, a layer of CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ has been successfully deposited on fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) coated on glass by an ultrasonically sprayed-nebulous method. Changes in their structural and optical properties along with...
Zinc injection has been proven to be an effective protocol for corrosion mitigation in nuclear industry. However, the role of zinc ions in this process is still not fully understood. In the present research, effort has been made to investigate the zinc effect on the corrosion of SS 304 specimens immersed in H$_2$O$_2$ solutions with addition of zinc. The surface morphology and chemical...
Herein, polycrystalline of cesium (Cs) doped in formamidinium lead triiodide (HC(NH$_2$)$_{2}$PbI$_{3}$ or FAPbI$_{3}$) films were successfully prepared by spin-casting from solutions. Changes in structural, optical and morphological properties of the obtained films upon varied Cs concentrations were systematically investigated. A phase stability and the grain sizes of the films are very...
Ba$_{1-x}$Mn$_x$TiO$_3$ (BMT), BaTi$_{1-x}$Mn$_x$O$_3$ (BTM), Ba$_{1-x}$Co$_x$TiO$_3$ (BCT) and BaTi$_{1-x}$Co$_x$O$_3$ (BTC) thin films with concentrations $x$ = 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16, and 0.20 were synthesized by sol-gel spin coating method on silicon substrates. The crystal structures were studied by XRD, and the magnetic properties were investigated by VSM. Tetragonal structure was...
In both electro-permeabilization and electrofusion, a high-intensity DC pulse electric field is employed to induced membrane breakdown and deliver macromolecules into living- targeted biological cells. The transient electric field is always applied in a pulsed form to prevent irreversible cell damage. The most commonly used waveforms are the rectangular pulse (square pulse, SP) and the...
This research studied the effects of PVP and PEG on morphology, hydrophilicity and mechanical properties of the PSF/NH2-SiO2 composite membranes. To study the chemical and physical properties, pure polysulfone (PSF) and nanocomposite PSF/NH2-SiO2 membranes were prepared. PVP and PEG at different loading were incorporated into the matrix of PSF membranes. Phase inversion technique was...
Currently, production of an air plasma jet is the remarkable innovation that converts air to heal infected wounds. The aim of this research is characterizing air plasma jet in burst mode. Plasma power is varied by pulse delay from 5 to 40 μs at fixed pulse width and the number of pulse from 2 to 10 pulses at fixed burst mode frequency. Then, plasma radicals are determined using Optical...
Beside the natural phase, LiGaO$_2$ under different pressure conditions can be stable in different structures [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.05.247]. The structures of LiGaO$_2$ were named WZ’, HX’, BCT’, RS’ and RS’’ in analogous with the well-known phases of ZnO. In this work, the electronic band structures of those phases were studied. We found that the bandgap as well as the...
It is well-known that high quality gem stones are naturally rare. Thus, lots of effort have been spent to improve low quality gem materials to enhance their appearances. This work focuses on the characterizations of low quality Mogok ruby to provide the information for improving its color. UV-Vis spectroscopic, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopic and X-ray absorption spectroscopic techniques were...
Nowadays, Fertilizer is very necessary in agriculture cause of soil problem. It has many ways to produce and Cold Atmospheric Plasmas is the one way which has been examined earnestly for along time. It can generate many energetic species of ionized gas in ambient air, especially they can produce reactive nitrogen species (Nitrite 〖NO〗_2^-, Nitrate〖 NO〗_3^-) [2-3] which they are essential...
Ozone is a very strong oxidizing agent, widely used in industrial, environmental and agricultural applications. Ozone generated by ozonizer, when air or oxygen ionized to form plasmas under high-frequency and high-intensity electric field. The intensity of electric fields depend on electrode geometry, gap size, applied voltage and dielectric materials. In this study, effects of electrode...
High purity nano-silica xerogel was synthesized from rice straw ash that is a residue materials from agriculture. To obtain the rice straw ash for preparing of sodium silicate that is then used as silica source, pretreated rice straw was burned at 600-900 oC. Rice straw ash was reacted with 0.5 M NaOH for 3-12 h and filtrated by a no.41 filter to prepare sodium silicate. Afterwards,...
Riceberry brown rice is known for its valuable nutrients with texture similar to white rice. Recently our group has used plasma treatment on riceberry brown rice to effectively shorten their cooking time and soften their texture. During plasma treatment, rices were also subject to elevated temperature. This sometime has lead to confusion whether the thermal effect dominate. In this study we...
This work demonstrates the capability of the BL7.2W:MX diffraction beamline at SLRI for investigation of crystallinity of nano-films. The beamline utilizes hard X-rays from a 6.5-Tesla Superconducting Wavelength Shifter, originally designed for protein crystallography. Its x-ray optical beamline employs a collimating mirror, double-crystal monochromator and focusing mirror. The photon energy...
Banana is a typical fruit in Southeast Asia which has value in addition to being a food Source. Agricultural and plantains processing industries generate enormous amount of waste in the form of banana peel. It is renewed that banana peel has several forms of biomass resources exist (such as starch or sugar crops, weeds, and oils plants, etc.) which can utilize for reducing agent in chemical...
In this work, we develop a Fortran program to simulate the propagation of high-frequency plane acoustic wave through Fresnel zone plate (FZP) in two dimensions. The simulation was carried out at the frequency of 200 kHz with the wave speed of 1,500 m/s. The thickness of FZP was also varied to determine its effect on the focusing of FZP. Numerical results show that FZP could successfully focus...
The issue of contact resistance between graphene and metal contacts is crucial in the development of high-speed graphene devices. However, fabrication-related contamination severely affects the contact resistance in graphene and hence an effective post-fabrication method is needed to resolve this problem. Current-induced cleaning has previously been used successfully to clean the surface of...
This research had been extended from our previous project of electrical sex reversal for monosex-male Nile tilapia by using pulse-electric fields (Fish X-Change) to increase all-male sex reversal (MSR), survival rate (SR), hatching rate (HR) and cleaning cell surfaces during the hatchery process. In order to reduce the mortality rate and increase the survival rate, the effect of high-voltage...
Layers of polycrystalline molybdenum trioxide (MoO$_3$) thin films were successfully deposited on fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) coated glass by a spray pyrolysis technique at the deposition temperature of 425°C for 1 hour. The prepared films were further annealed at 500 $^o$C for 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 3 hours. The effect of the annealing periods of time on their structural, morphological and...
Works in this project are focused on the optimization and design of a beam shaping assembly (BSA) for the boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) based on a 30 MeV proton beam generator. The aim is to maximize the epithermal neutron flux and prevent the background radiation which is required for the BNCT designation. A set of material and geometry simulations are examined as neutron multiplier,...
Natural rubber vulcanization using electron beam is one of interesting applications of electron linear accelerators with an energy in a range of a few hundred keV to a few MeV. At the Plasma and Beam Physics Research Facility, Chiang Mai University, a 4-MeV RF linear accelerator (linac) is developed for utilizing in natural rubber vulcanization. To accelerate the vulcanization process,...
We reported a novel method to align spherical nanogolds into linear chains, mediated by induced-electric dipoles from carbon nanotubes in the suspension under AC field. Nanogolds were suspended along with carbon nanotube in water under an AC field of magnitude 100 volts/mm and frequency range of 25 - 1,000 KHz. Typically the electric polarization of nanoparitcles are very small because of...
An anemometer was fabricated from a low-cost material in a DIY (Do it yourself) process. It was composed of the rotating vane (it was modified from cooler CPU) which was installed with speed sensor on it. Then, it was connected with Arduino bond and contorted by LabVIEW program. This anemometer was called Anemometer based on LabVIEW interface for Arduino (ALA) model. Then, an ALA was...
While the cross sections of heavy ion beams at energy of a few MeV and above have been measured and reported, experimental data, especially of those minor lines from uncommon materials, for lower-energy heavy ion beams around 1 MeV are lack. In this study, we used 1-MeV C-ion (83 keV/amu) PIXE (particle induced X-ray emission) to measure the X-ray production cross sections of Fe K-line, Nb, Ru...
One of the key factors governing the sound absorption property of material is porosity. It provides localisation of acoustic energy and also dissipates the energy. To predict the acoustic absorbing potential of material, it is essential to determine its porosity. In this work, we present the use of air displacement volume and the concept of energy conservation to determine material porosity....
Sound speed in the air can be measured from resonance phenomena in an open-open tube. In a typical undergraduate laboratory, sound is generated with a specific frequency, and lengths associated with resonance are recorded. Subsequently, those data can be used to determine the sound speed. Instead of using a specialized apparatus, this work demonstrates a method to measure sound speed using...
This paper describes the upgraded collimator and shielding design principle for the prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (PGNAA) facility at Thai research reactor. The neutronic calculations with different geometry and material conditions are simulated using the Monte Carlo code. Then, the optimal parameters to maximize the thermal neutrons and minimize background radiations are obtained....
In the recent work, we have demonstrated the high-pressure phase transitions of a heavy element thallium (Tl). The known first phase transition from h.c.p. to f.c.c. is initially investigated by various relativistic levels and exchange-correlation functionals as implemented in FPLO method, as well as scalar relativistic scheme within PAW formalism. The electronic structure calculations are...
In this research we have designed and constructed the first off-null ellipsometer based on smartphone platform. The principle design of this ellipsometer is configured to use a smartphone screen as a light source and front phone camera as a detector. Thus the configuration of the optical coupler is necessary to collect a parallel beam of linearly polarized light from a phone screen and direct...
Schlieren photography is a technique used to capture air movement based on difference in fluid density. Air with higher temperature has lower density than surrounding air with lower temperature, leading to different values of refractive index. This work aimed to determine optimized conditions for schlieren photography to capture air movements in several situations. Schlieren photography was...
Pencil leads can be used to draw resistors, which are low-cost and easy to obtain. Not all types of pencils are considered good for pencil resistors because pencil lead is made up of graphite, an allotrope of carbon. Resistance of graphite varies with the grades used during manufacturing, as such we aimed to review and test several types of pencils would be best for developing DC pencil...
Instructional instruments play an important role in support students’ learning through the active learning approach. This research proposes a compound physical pendulum experiment using a photogate sensor. The sensor was set up to determine the frequency of an object vibrating back and forth using the application of an Arduino board. The designed sensor can measure the frequency in a range of...
Multipole Resonance Probe (MRP) can be used to determine plasma parameters including plasma density. This project is divided into 2 parts. The first involves simulation of dissipation power by using MATLAB analytical program. The second part is the construction of MRP. The locally made probe is used to characterize DC plasma at the electrical input power of 0, 24, 31.35, 60 and 91.74 watts and...
Hydrogen storage technology has attracted a worldwide interest for enhancing the efficiency of hydrogen energy carrier used in a clean energy innovation mobile car. In this work, ab initio study of hydrogen storage mechanisms in Magnesium hydride (MgH2) with doping transition metals (TM) was analyzed. High-pressure and structural effects on the doped MgH2 were examined. The conventional cells...
The natural rubber research is ongoing project at the Plasma and Beam Physics Research Facility, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. The project aims to use electron beam irradiation for high quality vulcanization process for natural rubber. The main accelerator system consists of a DC thermionic electron gun, 5-cell linear accelerator structure, control system, RF system and electron beam...
For the long shutdown of the LHC in 2019, Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) are being studied to use for the Inner Tracking System of ALICE detector. The pixel chips, manufactured by the TowerJazz with 180 nm CMOS imaging sensor process, have been characterized to produce the new sensor with lower material budget and higher granularity. The optimization of the pixel is determined from...
Using the modified Slonczewski model, we studied the relation between the maximum change in magnetoresistance in an applied field and the thickness of the insulating layer in a ferromagnet/insulator/ferromagnet junction. We found that the maximum change in magnetoresistance varies linearly with the width of the insulating layer. We also found that in the high barrier case, the saturation...
In the small-scale palm mill industries, the processes have produced low quality crude palm oil. The oils have high free fatty acid content (FFA > 5) and low Deterioration of Bleachability Index (DOBI < 2), which are classified as grade B oils. Since, they used hot air for too long time in pre-treatment process. In this research, microwave will be used as heating source for pretreatment, to...
Recently, monolayer of ZnO has successfully been synthesized on graphene. It leads to a new class of 2D oxide materials which have many promising properties such as high optical transparency, hazard gas capture etc. To improve to use in a spintronic application, Mn is doped into ZnO by many previous studies. Here, this study aims at investigating stability, electronic and magnetic properties...
The experiment was conducted to study strain distribution in circular disk of PMMA by photoelasticity in reflection polariscope. The strain in circular disk was induced by two point load of hydraulic system 535.37-994.63 N with the step increase of 153.21 N. We added the Babinet compensater in basic reflection polariscope to observe the fractional isochromatic fringe order in the first...
This experimental work focuses on the investigation of aqueous solutions of copper(II) chloride mixed with glycine. Structural changes of the mixture are probed by X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) by varying the Cu(II):Gly molar ratios. Moreover, pH is an important parameter to adjust since it influences the formation of the different species present in the Cu(II):Gly solution,...
A class of 17 grade ten students of The Demonstration School of Ramkhamhaeng University (Secondary Level) had been taught by modeling-centered instruction sequence (MCIS) on the topic of momentum for 2 hours. The students participated in nine learning steps of MCIS; (1) anchoring phenomena and central question, (2) construct an initial model, (3) empirical investigations, (4) evaluate and...
In this article, we explored students’ alternative conception from specific worksheet responses. The implemented worksheet from previous research study was designed to enhance students’ conceptual understanding of vector addition and subtraction. After administered the worksheet to 5 classes of 157 grade eight students in a general science course at a large public Bangkok school, we found...
The aim of this study was to explore the students’ learning in Physics Laboratory with 103 undergraduate students in Yala Rajabhat University at Southern of Thailand. The data were collected by ASELL survey to investigate students experience in the Lab, open-ended questions to investigate students’ ability to do experiments and semi-interview of 10 students to investigate students’...
The possibility of the determination of U and Th concentration in the Thai monazite ore processing samples using gamma-ray spectrometry technique was investigated. The studied samples were monazite ore, tri-sodium phosphate, mixed rare earth hydroxide, enriched cerium, uranium cake, thorium cake, La2O3 and CeO2. The measured activity concentrations of 238U and 232Th were converted into the...
Nowadays, plasma technology has an important role in medical treatment. It is used to help Diabetes Miletus patients with chronic wounds and patients with bedsore to get more effective treatment. It is also used as bactericidal method. This research studied an air plasma jet with the efficiency in inhibitory of Staphylococcus aureus. The study aimed to study the effect of number of pulse and...
This research aims to investigate the characteristics of the resonant cavity, which is a part of the radio-frequency (RF) power system of the electron linear accelerator (linac) at the at the PBP-CMU Linac Laboratory, Chiang Mai University. A resonant cavity is used to create RF waves of the desired frequency by exploiting the relation between the cavity dimension and the resonant frequency....
Modern analysis of organic materials by using light absorptions are very popular both in industries and research laboratories. Typically, UV-VIS spectrophotometer are used. UV-VIS consist of broad spectrum gas light source and UV source, monochromator and light detectors. The UV-VIS is very complicated and expensive. In this research we would like to develop simple and cheap spectrophotometer...
Surface properties of Poly (ethylene terephthalate) or PET fabric were modified by nitrogen plasma pretreatment, chitosan pretreatment and combined of nitrogen plasma - chitosan pretreatment, to improve ink absorption of water-based pigmented inkjet ink. The samples were exposed to the plasma at the operating pressure of 0.8 mbar. The operating RF powers were varied from 50-100 W. The...
We investigate the first-year undergraduate students’ understanding concepts about the color of the Moon during Lunar Eclipse. The sample is 68 students from Physics, Chemistry and Biology major, school of science, University of Phayao. We use the 2 open-ended questions about the color of the moon and Lunar eclipse. The students ‘answers are analyzed from their drawing diagrams and/or text...
This study aims to investigated the synthesis of single-phase nano-titanium using titanium (IV) isopropoxide (TTIP) as a precursor and two types of surfactant as structure directing agent or template; CTAB and TTAB. Double-phase and co-condensation techniques are employed for the synthesis. The formation of titanium nanoparticles occurs at about 60-80 oC under atmospheric pressure...
Abstract. The flower-like nanostructures of SnO$_2$ were successfully synthesized by a simple hydrothermal method. The structure of the flower-like samples was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The samples revealed the single phase of SnO$_2$ tetragonal structure. The corresponding selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) analysis further confirmed the formation of the tetragonal...
In the present study, thin films of polyaniline conductive polymer have been deposited on glass substrate by AC Plasma Polymerization. Doped and undoped films were synthesized at the AC discharge voltage between 450 - 500 V, operating pressure of 0.13 and 0.14 Torr and the reaction time were set at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes. For doped films, iodine powder was put inside the deposition...
Present work to investigation of structure and functional properties of nano materials based on the Titanium dioxide doping Selenium oxide and Turmeric coated cellulose fibers of gauze pad cotton. The Titania hydrosol was successfully prepared at low temperature by a microwave facilitated sol-gel method. The study also explored the efficiency of this sample to inhibit the growth of Escherichia...
Quadrupole magnets are normally used for transverse beam size control in particle accelerators. They have magnetic field properties that can focus or defocus the charged particle beam. To build an ideal quadrupole magnet is difficult because four pole faces must have hyperbolic shape. In this work, we studied tangential shimming of a pole face and simulated the magnetic field for designing a...
We had performed computer simulations by using FLUKA code for investigating the gamma-ray shielding properties of the xPbO-(50-x)BaO-50B$_2$O$_3$ glass system (where $ 5 \leq x \leq 45 $ mol$\%$) for the 356, 662, 1173, and 1330 keV photons (gamma-ray) energies. Then we compared the results to the XCOM program and the experimental data. We found , the results agree very well with the XCOM and...
We had investigated the efficacy of FLUKA Monte Carlo (MC) code for the gamma radiation shielding parameter calculation of the (60-x) PbO-x Li$_2$O-40 B$_2$O$_3$ (where $0 \le \text{x} \le 25$ mol%) glass system. The mass attenuation coefficients $(\mu_m)$, the effective atomic number $(Z_{eff})$, the effective electron density $(N_{el})$, mean free path $(MFP)$ and half value layer $(HVL)$...
The objective of this study was to study the generated electrical signal of piezoelectric sensors patched on the various samples by using one single pulse. Piezoelectric sensors used in this study were the commercial piezoelectric buzzers which are PZT ceramic disk of 20 mm with brass plate of 27 mm in diameter. The generated electrical signals of piezoelectric sensors from aluminum plate,...
Diverse morphological shapes of cyanobacteria (blue green algae) have been observed in the natural environment; Synechocystis sp is found to be spherical, whereas Arthrospira is either a rod in a stationary phase or a helix in a logarithmic growth phase. Effects of Reynolds number and shapes on the localized drag exerted on solid objects with different geometrical shapes resembling the shapes...
In microelectronic industry, the lubricants are used in the wafer-to-chip grinding and lapping processes before device assembly step. The based-lubricant and additives play important roles in the product quality and reliability for those nano-scale fabrications. In this study, the tribological behaviors of AlTiC surface that sliding against AISI304 balls were studied in electronic-grade...
Linear least square is a common method to fit two dimensional data set with linear relation. In non-linear case we need to do some linearization before fitting. Parameters can be extracted from the fitted line and used to predict new dependent variable values at new independent variable points. In this report we investigate the uncertainty introduced to a non-linear model prediction from...
We examine the uncertainty of pH measurement by an Ion Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor, or ISFET. Due to its size and ability to simply integrated to measurement electronics, the sensor is suitable for pH measurement on the field. However, the uncontrolled environment can interfere the accuracy of the measurement. In this work we consider a mathematical model of pH measurement that involves...
In this research, virtual X-Ray diffractometer (XRD) using acoustic wave for material science education has been proposed. Acoustic wave with frequency in ultrasonic range has been used to characterize acoustic crystal structures. The dimensions of these model structures, which are in order of ultrasonic wavelength region, have been formed by three dimensional printer (3D printer) and cotton...
Experimental facts have showed that in application of low-energy ion beam for biological living materials modification, the ion beam fluence required to induce cell mutation is orders higher than the cell lethal dose. This seems contradictory with common perception that the DNA modification should be proportional to radiation dose so that high dose radiation could cause high-degree damage in...
The mass-radius ratio bounds of spherically symmetric static compact objects were considered in the ghost-free dRGT massive gravity. In this type of modified general relativity, the graviton has a non-zero mass leading to the naturally generated cosmological constant term. Therefore, this may bring about to an explanation for the late-time accelerated expansion of the Universe without any dark...
In this research, the manganese doped cadmium sulfide (Mn-doped CdS) thin films were prepared on glass substrates using successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method. The thin films were prepared by different mixing percentage of manganese with cadmium sulfide precursors in the range of 1 - 20 mole%. The optical properties were investigated by ultraviolet-visible...
Corundum (ruby & sapphire) consists of Al$_2$O$_3$ and trace elements relating to the cause of color such as Cr, Fe, and Ti. Irradiation is one of gemstone enhancements for improving their color appearance. The aim is focused on the oxidation state of Fe ions that concern with the cause of yellow color in irradiated sapphire by XAS technique. In this study, natural sapphire samples from Sri...
The present study was carried out an experimental investigation on the effect of vortex generator materials and length to diameter ratios (L/D) on the performance of a vortex tube. The vortex tube was made from stainless. The vortex generator materials are stainless and brass. The ratio of length to diameter of the vortex tube was studied at 17.5 and 20. This experiment tested at inlet air...
Heat Transfer of a Heat Pipe on fins using Silver nanofluid
P. Meena1*, A.Seangmart1
1 Energy Innovation and heat pipe technology Research Unit (EIHTR), Department of physics, Faculty of science, Mahasarakham University, Thailand 44150Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakhum, 44150 Thailand
*E-mail: pattanapol.m@hotmail.com
This research...
In this work, [KNbO3]0.9 – [BaNi0.5Nb0.5O3]0.1 (KBNNO) perovskite ceramics are synthesized under various conditions by using the solid-state combustion technique. Their microstructural, Raman, dielectric, optical, and photovoltaic properties are investigated. X-ray diffraction spectroscopy reveals that the synthesized ceramics have a cubic structure. A high purity KBNNO sample is obtained at...
Single crystals of Zn$_x$Cu$_{1-x}$V$_2$O$_7$ system with doping concentration of 0.05 and 0.15 were grown by the vertical gradient freezing technique. The crystal structures were confirmed by means of x-ray diffraction to be the beta phase of copper pyrovanadate, $\beta$-Cu$_2$V$_2$O$_7$, when the Zn concentration was as low as 0.05, on the contrary to the previous studies on polycrystal...
This work concentrated on the effect of nuclear equation of state on the direct flow (v1) in heavy ion collision reaction by using the quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) model. In addition, the proton direct flow is a function of the centrality transverse component t of the 4-velocity at incident energy 0.09 A GeV and impact parameter between 0.25 and 0.45 fm by using the nuclear equation of...
Effect of Position of fins to Heat Transfer of a Closed-Loop Oscillating Heat Pipe with Check Valves
P. Meena1*, W.Ainyim1
1 Energy Innovation and heat pipe technology Research Unit (EIHTR), Department of physics, Faculty of science, Mahasarakham University, Thailand 44150Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakhum, 44150 Thailand
We propose an increased entropy production as a characteristic signal for a first-order chiral phase transition to be observed in heavy-ion collisions. Assuming a simple Bjorken description for the central region of the produced fireball, we study the evolution of the expanding medium using a spatially homogeneous fluid and a time-dependent order parameter $\sigma$. We solve the equation of...
Ti atoms bond with Fe atoms and exchange their electron particles in the adjacent octahedral sites. This process produces the blue color on the blue sapphire. The Ti content is an important key to the alteration of the 3309 cm$^-$$^1$, 3232 cm$^-$$^1$, and 3185 cm$^-$$^1$ (3309 cm$^-$$^1$-series) peaks in infrared absorption (FTIR) spectra of blue sapphire samples. To study the effect of Fe...
We construct the general formula of one-loop amplitude at four-point vertices using Ossola, Papadopoulos, and Pittau (OPP) method. The incoming and outgoing particles are defined as arbitrary massless particles, and the intermediate state contains arbitrary particles inside. In this works, the amplitude is reconstructed via finding four-type rational coefficients. First, box coefficient is...
Here we report the first principles study of yttrium-doped Ba(Zr$_x$Ti$_{1-x}$)O$_3$ (Y-doped BZT) for $x=0.125$, $0.250$, and $0.375$ supercells as a promising rare earth doped lead-free ferroelectric material. The local and electronic structures of Y-doped BZT and pure BZT relaxed supercells are systematically investigated in term of atomic pair distribution functions (PDFs), A and B site...
High quality and large scale graphene are required for large-scale applications, especially transparent conductive flexible touch-screen panels. Chemical vapor deposition is so far the best method for the synthesis of high quality graphene in the large scale. In this work, we have synthesized multi-layer graphene on copper foils by low pressure chemical vapor deposition from acetylene...
Zeer refrigerator is an evaporative cooling system which use evaporation of water to lower temperature inside the refrigerator. Its rate of evaporation which affects rate of heat loss depends on surface area of the refrigerator. Conventional Zeer refrigerator can’t be built in large scale because its efficiency and terminal temperature difference between inside refrigerator and ambient...
At ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, a new state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is created. For highest collision energies, recent lattice QCD data provide the opportunity to explore Charm quark equilibration in the early QGP phase. We propose a new method to determine the Charm quark equilibration temperature and volume from second and fourth order net-Charm susceptibilities...
High chromium cast irons are widely used for wear-parts in the mining, mineral and cement industries, due to their high abrasion resistance, relative low cost and ease of production. Carbide-forming elements addition and heat treatments were improved their properties. In this work, the effects of W addition and heat treatment on the microstructure and hardness of nominal 28 wt.%Cr high...
Relativistic femtosecond electron bunches can be produced from the electron linear accelerator (linac) system at the Plasma and Beam Physics (PBP) Research Facility, Chiang Mai University (CMU). A thermionic radio-frequency (RF) electron gun is used as an electron source for this accelerator system. The RF gun has a 1.6-cell S-band standing-wave structure, which has two main resonant cavities...
Perovskite solar cells have several advantages over traditional solar cells such as the ability to control the film morphology during the deposition and crystallization of the perovskite layer. The efficiency of perovskite solar cells can be modified using physical and chemical techniques to achieve better efficiencies. In this paper, we study the fabrication of typical inverted structure...
Solar cell I-V characteristics curves are basically representation of relationship between the current and voltage at the existing conditions of irradiance and temperature. I-V curves provide the information required to configure a solar system. The parameters values of V$_o$$_c$, I$_s$$_c$, V$_m$, I$_m$ and P$_m$, which can be experimentally measured. However, the circuit parameters reverse...
Sintered Fe-Mo-Si-C alloys, produced by admixing 4.0 wt.% silicon carbide to two different pre-alloyed powders with compositions of Fe-0.85Mo and Fe-1.5Mo, sintering at 1250$^o$C for 45 minutes and cooling in a vacuum furnace, showed a microstructure similar to that of a ductile cast iron. The microstructure of the sintered alloys was characterized by the bull’s eye structure consisting of a...
In the past several years, a charged charmoniumlike $Z_c^+$ family, $Z^+_c(4430)$, $Z^+(4051)$, $Z^+(4248)$, $Z^+_c(4200)$, $Z^+_c(4240)$, $Z^+_c(3900)$, $Z^+_c(3885)$, $Z^+_c(3930)$, $Z^+_c(4025)$ and $Z^+_c(4020)$, has been successively observed by experimental collaborations. Obviously, those charged charmoniumlike states go beyond conventional $c\bar c$-meson picture and prefer to...
The most of superconductors are highly anisotropic superconductors, then the measurement on superfluid density propertied of superconductors are complicated that they are dependent on direction of measurement. In this study, the superfluid density of anisotropic superconductors was studied by semiclassical approach. We interested in the spin-singlet superconductors state with anisotropic...
The 5th May 2014 Chiang Rai earthquake is the largest earthquake in Thailand. The mainshock followed by thousands of aftershocks which located in both Pan segment (PS) and Mae Lao segment (MLS) of Phayao Fault Zone (PFZ). This complication of aftershock pattern leading to the intriguing question about the origin of mainshock whether it’s come from MLS or PS. The seismological and...
Suranaree University of Technology is a member of the antiProton ANnihilation at DArmstadt (PANDA) collaboration. The goals of this collaboration are to understand the weak and strong nuclear force, exotic states of matter and the structure of hadrons by building a detector at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany. At SUT, we are responsible for...
An open system, which consists of the decay of the excited state of two two-level atoms due to the stimulated emission of photons, has been studied in the quantum operator formalism. The Kraus operators are constructed to describe the time evolution of the composite system in terms of the interaction Hamiltonian between atoms and the electric field (a vacuum cavity that can generate photons)....
The impact of different calcination temperature (550ºC, 650ºC, 750ºC and 850ºC) on the structural/electrical properties of sintered Cu/Sm co-doped CeO2 prepared by sol-gel combustion were studied. The structural property was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy and ultraviolet visible(Uv-vis). The composition and chemical state of Sm/Cu and Ce and electrical conductivity...
Solar radiation is important to all living organisms and it is the energy source for solar technologies such as photovoltaic and solar thermal systems. Generally, the amount of incident solar radiation can be obtained from ground-based measurements. However, the number of solar radiation monitoring stations is very limited. In this work, the artificial neural network (ANN) was proposed to...
Since October 2016, NARIT has been preparing for a mega-project: Thailand national radio observatory (TNRO). It is a collaboration with the national geographical institute of Spain (IGN) to construct and operate a 40-metre radio telescope in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This presentation reviews the current status of the project. A plan of the construction is stated as well as expected outputs and...
Near infrared solar radiation (NIR) represents a large amount of the total energy of the solar spectrum. NIR is important for applying to remote satellite approaches in order to investigate an atmospheric water vapour and for other solar energy thermal applications. However, it was less investigated compared to another solar spectrum bands. Additionally, measurements of NIR are also scarce....
Alternative Hamiltonians yielding Newton’s equation which expressed in 1-parameter family are studied. These Hamiltonians called Newton’s equivalent Hamiltonians (NEH) give the same Newton’s equation. After quantization and a suitable ordering, a 1-parameter family Newton’s equivalent quantum Hamiltonians (NEQH) is introduced. The property of NEQH is that as limit of parameter...
Mxene is a group of 2D materials known for their promising properties for industrial electronic devices and gas sensing behavior. The objective of this study is to investigate the electronic property of a MXene named dimolybdenum carbide (Mo$_2$C) under applying biaxial stress and our problem is how will the material change when biaxial stress is applied. All the possible phases have been...
Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is tumor-cell targeted radiotherapy that has significant superiority over conventional radiotherapies. First in the world, Japan treated with BNCT for a patient with head and neck cancer in last century. So far, some clinical trials used by BNCT have been finished by reactor source. Now, SUT-MNSR (Miniature Neutron Source Reactor) is being designed and...
We study Hamiltonian of one-parameter family yielding the Newton equation. In particular, we are interested in its prescription for quantum harmonic oscillator. A modified perturbation theory is used to evaluate the spectra and the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian. Spectra we obtain seem to agree with those of the usual Hamiltonian. We also study this Hamiltonian with additional term $\alpha...
Atmospheric Modelling Systems have been set up on 3 High Performance Computing (HPC) environments in the Southeast Asian Region. Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF- Chem) model, various versions from 3.5.1 to 3.9.1, has been implemented over regional domains; 1) stretching across 5000 x 4500 km centred at Kathmandu, 2) covering parts of Karakolum mountains and Hindu-Kush...
A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) plans to upgrade the Inner Tracking Systems (ITS) during the second long shut down of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2019. The current ITS detectors will be replaced by new detectors based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) to enhance the tracking performance and momentum resolution. Several MAPS prototypes that integrate an image...
Jiangmen Undergroud Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a reactor antineutrino experiment with the main purpose for determining the neutrino mass hierarchy by precisely measuring the energy spectrum of nuclear reactor electron antineutrinos at a distance of ~53 kilometers from the reactors (Yangjiang and Taishan nuclear power plants) in a 700-m-deep-underground to reduce cosmogenic muon flux. The...
Diuron is famous pesticide and its residual can contaminate in natural water resource resulting in environmental issue and human health. There are several processes that have been used to overcome diuron contamination including adsorption, biochemical, and advanced oxidation processes. An electrochemical advanced oxidation process (EAOP) is one of the advanced oxidation processes used to...
In this work, we will calculate the cross-section of charmed baryon production near threshold from $p\bar p$ annihilation processes. We employ 3-point vertices chiral effective Lagrangian of D-mesons, charmed and light baryons based on $SU(2)$ flavor symmetry, there are 15 terms in total. By using heavy-quark symmetry (HQS) and large-$N_c$ operator analysis, one can reduce the number of low...
Entangled photons are important resources for quantum information. Especially, in quantum cryptography, the polarization entangled photons are highly secure. However, the entanglement of photon can hold in isolated system. In realistic system, the entangled photons inevitably interact with environment. In this work, we study the effect of depolarizing noise on the two entangled qubits. The...
Since the discovery the first YBaCuO superconductor has been found in 1987, called as Y123 (YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_7$$_-$$_x$) superconductor. The effect of Ag$_2$O on the critical temperature was investigate. However, the new YBaCuO called Y156 superconductor was found, then we interest in effect of Ag$_2$O on some physical properties of this superconductor. The Y156 superconductor doped Ag$_2$O...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a neutrino experiment consisting of 2 systems; central detector (CD) and veto system. The CD is composed of thousands of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) used to detect light signals from neutrino induced interactions with liquid scintillator inside the CD. Another set of PMTs is used as water Cherenkov detector, together with muon top...
A concentration of particulate matter (PM), i.e. PM10 and PM2.5, peaks annually in March from 2015 to 2018, exceeding both Thailand emission (24-hour averaged 120 µg/m3 for PM10 and 50 µg/m3 for PM2.5) and World Health Organization (WHO) standards. This study will consider relationship between the PM concentrations and meteorological data of Chiang Mai in 2018 affecting the highest PM...
Water vapour is a main natural greenhouse gas and has impact on the atmospheric system. Atmospheric water vapour can be quantified as precipitable water vapour (PWV). In general, PWV can be derived from radiosonde and spectral solar radiation measurement data. However, the spatial distribution and temporal frequency of the measurements are usually limited due to high equipment and operational...
This present work focuses on the study of the electronic properties under magnetic field and the topological character of lead-tin selenide (Pb$_1$$_-$$_x$Sn$_x$Se) topological crystalline insulator (TCI) [1]. This semiconductor material belongs to a novel class of topological materials which generally exhibit Dirac-like dispersion of insulating bulk states with band gap coexisting with...
We present the precise calculation of the Stark effect of Rydberg states of Barium atoms using the empirical values of the energy states of Barium in the perturbed Hamiltonian. We construct the Stark map by diagonalizing the total Hamiltonian to the first order to get the eigenenergies in the static field. We compare the calculated results with the experimental Stark map of Barium atoms...
We investigate a new method for qubit state tomography [1] based on limited resources of continuous weak measurement [2] and qubit controls. As in many qubit experiments, such as in superconducting circuits, the qubit measurement could practically be done with only a few observables, e.g., continuously measuring $\sigma_{z}$ observable of a superconducting qubit [3]. To determine a full...
The hadronic products that result from proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) can give rise to jet formation that can be detected be the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector. The new algorithm is developed to identify charm quark jets while rejecting bottom and light flavor jets called c-tagger. The c-tagger is integrated into the CMS software (CMSSW). It can be used in...
We use the Hypernuclear No-Core Shell Model to study the sensitivity of the hypertriton binding energy to uncertainties in the nucleon-nucleon interaction. Our three-body calculations are performed in the relative Jacobi-coordinate harmonic oscillator basis. In our calculation, we use the leading-order chiral hyperon nucleon(YN) interaction and chiral next-to-next-to-leading-order...
Van der Waals (vdW) interactions are prevalent in Nature and account for diverse natural phenomena, such as the flocculation of colloids and the adhesion of geckos to walls. Between similar dielectric materials such interactions are typically attractive and give rise to the problem of stiction and non-contact friction in micro and nano electro-mechanical systems, thus it is of importance to...
Silicon sensors are used for particle tracking in many high energy physics (HEP) experiments. Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Thai Micro Electronic Center (TMEC) and A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) collaborate to develop a new sensor for the Inner Tracking System (ITS). In this project, the new sensor is requested to be 50 microns thick to reduce its material budget. To...
The calculation of relativistic quantum wave function and energy levels of a muonic atom are performed in this work. We begin by solving the Dirac equation using the Notre Dame basis (ND) method with the Coulomb potential. The obtained results agree very well with other methods [1]. We improved the leading correction terms with a finite charge distribution from a nucleus atom and vacuum...
Neutrinos from the standard model of particle physics are massless. However, there have been evidences of the neutrino oscillation indicating that some neutrinos possess tiny but non-zero masses. To describe this phenomenon, new physics at a higher scale, such as seesaw mechanism, is required. The beyond standard model behavior of neutrinos also coincides remarkably with the presence of the...
Rope fed uniformly from the height exhibits a perfectly circular coiling on a static plane. Introducing the rotation to the plane breaks the rotational symmetry of circle which gives rise to a variety of the more ordered patterns. For sufficiently fast feeding velocity $v$ the coiling shape laying on a rotating plane is a hypotrochoid, namely a closed curve with exterior loops, when plane...
We are interested in the generalization of the Proca field. In this work, we want to check that this system is a constrained system. Moreover, we want to check the number of degrees of freedom. We use the Faddeev-Jackiw method which is one of the techniques used for analyzing the constrained system. The result of this work shows that the system is a constrained system with 3 degrees of freedom.
UrQMD phase-space coalescence calculations for the production of deuterons are compared with available data for various reactions in the GSI/FAIR energy regime. It is found that the production process of deuterons, as reflected in their rapidity and transverse momentum distributions in p+p, p+A and A+A collisions at beam energy starting from 1A GeV, are in good agreement with experimental...
Quantum transport in a neutral atom guide provides intriguing quantum effects that are important aspects in designing atom mechatronic structures such as quantum interferometer, pump, valve, and amplifier structures. We investigate applicability of spatial reduction in temporal auto-correlation function to reduce computational resources in finding eigen-energy inside the guide. We find that we...
Adaptive epidemic network is generally driven by two main processes: (1) infection-recovery process that changes the states of the nodes, and (2) rewiring process that modifies the topology of the network. We consider an adaptive susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) epidemic on a network. In this work, a link is rewired randomly to a chosen susceptible node according to a prescribed global...
Inspired by the forthcoming experimental data at J-PARC and $\overline{P}$ANDA, 3-point vertices chiral Lagrangian for nucleon, delta, $D$ meson and charmed baryon is constructed in the framework of the $\text{SU(2)}$ flavor symmetry. There are 15 terms in the Lagrangian at the chiral power counting orders $Q^{0}$. By applying the heavy-quark symmetry, that is, introducing degeneracy states of...
Introduction of an absorption boundary to an atom guide enriches the guide’s transport properties. However, if the initial wave packet contains broad energy spectrum that includes scattering states, a complex boundary essentially changes the composition of the system's energy-eigen spectrum. Our study focuses on finding a pattern of energy spectra that governs the evolution of the system. In...
We present covariant nonlinear duality-symmetric action of kappa-symmetric D3-brane in dual formulation. This construction generalises the Zwanziger action by using the PST-covariantisation, nonlinearisation, and suitable inclusions of coupling with external fields. The covariantisation made use of three auxiliary scalar fields. The theory possesses, in addition to other gauge symmetries, two...
Density is important physical property of a liquid. In this work, correlation of density of fatty acids (FA) is correlated to the Martin’s rule of free energy additivity for estimated density from either (1) its number of carbon atoms (of fatty acid, z) and number of double bonds (nd) or (2) its saponification number (SN) and iodine value (IV). Data collected from literatures were used to...
We construct a quantum-mechanical model to explain the distribution of financial returns in a stock market. By combining a critical phenomenon effect in the form of a power law and the Schrodinger equation, we derive that an appropriate potential of the financial returns is given by a time-dependent inverted anharmonic oscillator, whose coefficients depend on the critical time and critical...
It had been a long time ago the neutrino‐antineutrino considered to happen. In order for this process to take place, the neutrino must be massive Majorana particle. A massiveness neutrino has been revealed and established by the oscillation experiments. If the most promising experiment, neutrinoless double beta decay, can give a positive signal in the near future experiments then the...
Considering equilibrium thermodynamics- the thermostatics,foundation of the paradigms are the equation of state (EoS) and four postulate laws of thermodynamics. We investigate nature of EoS and these laws and we propose a paradigm in analogous to thermostatics in expressing EoS for a microeconomics system that is a market. This speculation is a first step to the whole and overall pictures of...
Magnetic refrigerators have emerged as an important trend in the refrigeration industry. They are believed to be more efficient than current and popular cooling systems by approximately 50%. The underlying principles of magnetic refrigerators are the thermodynamics laws of changing in temperature associated with magnetization and demagnetization of a magnetic regenerator. A numerical model of...
In recent years, local Thai rice has been sharp-rising demands for consumers with high purchasing power who are willing to pay for nutritious grains and specialty rice. Khao Leb Nok (Bird’s Claw Rice) is traditional southern variety with high nutritious and popular rice grown in the south of Thailand. This study was done to investigate the isotopic compositions ($\delta$13C, $\delta$15N and...
The aim of this research is to study relation between Enso index and the change of rainfall in Thailand. The data used in this research was Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which is used to indicate ENSO event, and rainfall data from Meteorological department. The periods of rainfall data used one 1983 to 2012, in 4 regions (North, South,...
This research aims to produce charcoal briquettes from Canarium Sabulatum (Canarium Sabulatum: tapioca starch) at the ratio of 8:2 and from Xylia Xylocarpa at the ratio of 7:3 (Xylia Xylocarpa: tapioca starch). The method that is used in this research is a cold press process by using a screw extruder that is connected with a 3.5 horsepower electrical motor. The finished...
All glass samples in the system (90-x)RWG - 10Na$_2$O - xNd$_2$O$_3$ where the RWG is recycled window glass (where x = 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 in mol% respectively).The glass samples were prepared by using melt quenching method. The elastic moduli were studied by measurement ultrasonic velocities using pulse echo technique.The structural properties of the glass samples were investigated...
The planets in the solar system have different characteristics in their atmospheric composition. The atmospheric composition of a planet can tell us the evolution and activities that occur on the planet. In general, to identify planetary atmospheric composition is not common, expensive and utilizes advanced instruments. In this research, we proposed a simple and affordable technique to analyze...
Phrae Basin is located in the north of Thailand by condescending manner Basin along the north to south. A total catchment area of the basin is about 18,000 km2. During rainy season, it has been some problem about flooding almost every year. Moreover, drought problem has been suffered in dry season. The groundwater resources were used for supporting agriculture activities such as growing rice...
The purpose of this research is to build a charcoal extruder by using a bicycle. The extruder is 0.73 meters in width, 1.75 meters in length, and 1.30 meters in height. It operates in the same way as pedaling a bicycle. The ingredients to make charcoals consist of charcoal powder, tapioca starch, and water at a ratio of 7:3 which is 7 parts of charcoal powder and 3 parts of tapioca...
This research synthesized the mesoporous silica nanoparticles. TEOS is used as a precursor and two types of surfactant, CTAB and TTAB, to be used as structure directing agent. To compare the effect of template type on the characteristics of synthetic particles, molar ratio of precursor to template is equally controlled. The co-condensation combine with bi-phasic techniques are...
We investigate the properties of the focus-beamed magneto-optical trap (FBT) of Rb$^{85}$ atoms, which provides more optical accessibility in contrast to typical magneto-optical trap (MOT). We have characterized the relations between dependent variables i.e. loading time, number and density of trapped atoms versus various trap parameters, e.g. laser intensities, detuning frequency etc. In this...
The Collaboration between A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE), Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) and Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI) have been established to characterize pixel sensors for high energy particle detectors. Under this collaboration, the Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI) - Beam Test Facility (BTF) has been designed and installed to the SLRI...
In this research, the study to investigate and compare the physical and mechanical properties of water hyacinth and cattail fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid composites.
The composites were fabricated by hand lay-up process. The effect of investigation was analyzed via density, moisture absorption, microstructure, tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength tests for total fiber...
This study is comparison between fuel briquette from electric machine using motor and hand machine using bicycle. The briquettes from electric machine are 3.5 HP. The material was wooden charcoals which were grinded by grinder. The ratio was 2,000 g of grinded charcoal and 500 g of Tapioca flour (4:1) and water. Those components were mixed to made briquettes by electric motor and...
This study aims to express a comparison of spatial analysis of rainfall between meteorology radar of Northern Royal Rainmaking Operations Center, Department of Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation and meteorology radar from Northern Meteorological Center, Meteorological Department and Ground station by Northern Meteorological Center of Chiang Mai. Geographic Information System (GIS) has used...
Dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity are important physical properties of a liquid. In this work, correlation of dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity of fatty acids (FA) are are correlated to the Martin’s rule of free energy additivity for estimated kinematic viscosity and dynamic viscosity from their own equations. The proposed equations for estimating viscosity and...
Cosmic ray, originating from several galactic sources, bombards the Earth’s atmosphere and produces lots of secondary particles. One of them is an unstable charged particle known as “muon ($µ^{±}$)” with speed close to the speed of light and lifetime about 2.2 microseconds before decaying into others. In this study, a spark chamber detector with 10 stacks of parallel electrode plates is...
Organic chiangda tea it’s contains antioxidants which help to maintain balance in the body. The purpose of this research was to study the effects of drying temperature drying on the change of moisture content of organic chiangda tea drying. Additionally, the heat transfer coefficient and effective moisture diffusivity of organic chiangda was investigated under hot air convection drying....
The objective of this study was to development of germinated parboiled Thunya-sirin glutinous rice product under modified greenhouse dryer. The research was to determine on compared of physical properties of rice such as (color values (L, a , b *), cooking index, texture,sensory evaluation and chemical analysis in the free radical scavenging activity of the germinated parboiled Thunya-sirin...
The aim of this work is to study the effect of banana fibers three species : Musa (ABB)(Kluai Nammwan: A1), Musa balbisiana Colla (Kluai Tanee: A2) and Musa (AAA) (Kluai Hom thong: A3) on physical and mechanical properties of banana fiber reinforced epoxy resin composites. The finding of experiment showed that addition of B1 and B2 improves tensile strength and impact strength respectively,...
Tanzanite is blue to violet gem variety of mineral zoisite. It is a very popular jewelry gemstone in gems trade. Due to the unique beautiful color of tanzanite is rarely natural; almost tanzanites are usually has been heat-treated to enhance the beautiful color. In this research, color enhancement of natural tanzanite from Tanzania was performed by heat treatment and its spectroscopic...
Carbon powder was prepared from bamboo shoots by chemical activation. The porous carbon powders were activated by potassium hydroxide (KOH) at 400, 500 and 600°C for 2 hrs under argon (Ar) atmosphere with carbon powder (C): KOH ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 by weight, respectively. The crystal structure, morphological properties and the porosity of carbonaceous powders were investigated by...
For achieving the high quality of titanium dioxide (TiO$_2$) nanorods, herein, we present a synthesis of rutile TiO2 nanorods on a transparent conductive fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass substrate with seed layer by a two-step method. Anatase TiO$_2$ thin films were first precoated by spin coating and annealing, followed by the growth of rutile TiO$_2$ nanorods with a hydrothermal method....
This work mentions a surface treatment of ZnO film by sulfuric acid solution. The ZnO film was prepared from commercial ZnO nanoparticles using screen printing method. The ZnO film was vertically dipped into diluted sulfuric acid solution for different treatment times. Morphology of the treated ZnO film shows small different change. The treated ZnO film was used as photoelectrode of...
$K^{+}$ meson production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at energies near the kaon production threshold energy were investigated within the quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) model based on the covariant kaon dynamics. We analyzed the rapidity dependence of the direct flow ${v_1}$ and the elliptic flow ${v_2}$ of $K^{+}$ meson, and the transverse momentum (${p_T}$) dependence of ${v_1}$ for the...
The characteristics of clouds and its relationship with solar radiation are analyzed in this paper. In this research SR03 pyranometer was install at SKRU in Songkhla (7.09 N, 100.36 E) in order to measure solar radiation and clouds data from Songkhla TMD. The results from a six-month period (16 January 2017 – 30 June 2017) showed the relationship of clouds type and solar radiation, low...
Mixed halide perovskites MAPb(I+Br)3 (MA=CH3NH3) are strong candidates for thin-film solar cells, as they are solution processable with excellent photovoltaic properties. With both halide and dimensionality tuning, colored perovskites can be fabricated with potential application for semi-transparent solar cells. Typically, spin coating is utilized for perovskite formation. However, to enable...
Perovskite barium titanate (BaTiO3) ceramics are widely used in electronics industries such as capacitors, sensors and actuators. BaTiO3-based ceramics have good dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties. BaTiO3 powder was fabricated by mixed-oxide method via a vibro-milling technique. The pellets were then placed in a high purity alumina crucible in air and sintered at 1375 °C...
The research as study to elemental quantity in particulate matter (PM10) at community where near factory as source found analysis of PM10. Which PM10 smaller sizes than of 10 µm from soil, rock, ash from leaf and ash from bagasse, respectively. PM10 were collected from around area and were pumped into filter paper by personal pump machines. PM10 were weighted by four point digital balance as...
Hot air drying is one of the simplest drying methods with low investment and operating costs. In this work, energy consumption and quality attributes for drying postharvest of dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) were studied. Energy consumption, moisture content, color and sensory evaluation were measured for drying with a hot air dryer. Drying experiments of freshly dragon fruit were conducted...
Cosmic rays are high energy particles from space that we can measure by ground-based detectors, including neutron monitors. The leader fraction represents the fraction of the neutron count rate that is not associated with a previous neutron count in the same tube from the same nuclear interaction. The leader fraction includes new and exciting information about the cosmic ray energy...
The study about synodic period of the Moon during 1983 – 2030 by Ephemeris. The Moon’s transit time at observer’s meridian were estimated consequently and can be plotted with Julian date to compare with The transit times of the sun in the same graph, therefore the difference between two intersected points were estimated to each Synodic period of the Moon. The result was shown that there were...
The estimation of the attenuation coefficient of solar radiation in the atmosphere were used solar radiation data on a cloudless day. The data were collected from four measuring stations located in Chiang Mai, Ubon Ratchathani, Bangkok, and Songkhla during the years 2011-2015. Then, the relationship between the attenuation coefficient from solar radiation data and the surface data (air...
Angstrom-Prescott model, H=H$_0$ [a+b(s/S)], was estimated solar radiation for 11 meteorological stations in Thailand. The empirical coefficients (a,b) were calculated by using the least square model. Statistical values, Root mean square error (RMSE) and Correlation, were examined the estimated solar radiation with the measuring. The empirical coefficients were interpolated by using geographic...
The 5x5 resolution Non-Hydrostatic Regional Climate Model (NHRCM) data from Meteorological Society of Japan is used to evaluate the south-west monsoon season that affects to Thailand during mid-May until mid-October in each years. Bulk-type cloud microphysics, Kain-Fritsch convective scheme, Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino level 3 PBL scheme, clear-sky radiation scheme and Hirai-Ohizumi land...
Co$_{0.05}$LaTi$_{0.95}$O$_3$ nanofibers with average diameter of 201 – 264 nm have been successfully fabricated by electrospinning method. The crystal structure of nanofibers calcined at 400 – 700 $^o$C shows amorphous structure. The Co$_{0.05}$LaTi$_{0.95}$O$_3$ nanofibers calcined at 800 oC had cubic perovskite-type structure with secondary phase. The average crystallite sizes of nanofibers...
This research fabrication hydrogen generator and effects of hydrogen gas from aluminum and hydrogen production the reaction between activated aluminum and water has been investigated. The effect of different parameters such as water aluminum ratio, CNT and the activation of NaOH into the aluminum particles and pellets nanotubes/aluminum composite with pressure ratio. Reactor hydrogen...
The fabrication of supercapacitors electrode with carbon powders material synthesized different wood such as of Broken Bone tree wood, Rain Tree wood, Kapok wood, Bitter bush wood, macrophyllus wood, Copper pod wood, Black Siris wood and Iron wood. Carbon powders from physical activation were prepared at 1000 ºC for 2 hrs under flowing argon. The structural properties, morphological and...
Surface tension is important to ensure the efficiency of industrial operation units involving chemical reactions and extractive processes that use these compounds as solvents. In this work, correlation of surface tension of fatty acids (FA) is correlated to the Martin’s rule of free energy additivity for estimated surface tension. The proposed equations for estimating surface tension...
The elemental compositions measurements of the geological samples using portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) technique in the laboratory were studied. The influences of the grain size and the moisture content of the samples on the pXRF analysis were also investigated. The pXRF was used to determine the major (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Si and Ti) and minor (Mn, Nb, Pb, Rb, Sr, Th and Zr) elements in the...
The heat generation from the radioactivity of 238U 232Th and 40K of rocks in Thung Nui hot spring, Satun Province Southern of Thailand were study. The results of this research were used the develop of hot spring for ability renewable energy. The rocks sampling were collected outcrop nearly hot reservoir area. After sample grinded the radioactivity value of 226Ra 232Th and 40K were measured by...
In this work, the disease spreading under SEIR framework (susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered) and agent-based model was investigated via discrete magnetic spin and Monte Carlo simulation. The defined systems were two-dimensional square-lattice-like, where the spins (representing susceptible, exposed, infected, and recovered agents) were allocated on lattice sites. Taking flu-like disease...
Nano-silica aerogels were synthesized from sodium silicate which is obtained from the reaction of bagasse ash and NaOH. Silanes and salazane was employed to control the formation and structure of silica aerogels in this study. To initiate the modification of silica aerogel properties, 1.0 M NH4OH solution was utilized. The silica aerogel resulted from the reaction was dried under ambient...
Phosphate fertilizers contain uranium and thorium isotopes due to impurities in the phosphate rock used for fertilizer manufacture. Long term application can significantly accumulate and reach undesirable concentrations in agricultural soils. The presented study determined the 238U and 232Th in the four cultivated fields, one forest reference site and five phosphate fertilizers collected from...
This research aims to prepare the polyvinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene (P(VDF-HFP)) fibers by electrospinning process with different electric fields. The aluminium chloride hexahydrate (AlCl$_3$.6H$_2$O) was filled into the fibers to act as nucleating agent for $\beta$ phase transformation. The morphology and phase transformation of the neat fiber mats with and without AlCl$_3$.6H$_2$O...
We present initial condition galaxy model of NGC 5252, which galaxy has black hole, gas particles, dark matter halo particles and bulge particles. This model uses Navarro–Frenk–White (NFW) profile and Sersic profile for describes distribution of particles. NFW profile describes profile of dark matter. In another way, Sersic profile describes how the surface brightness of a system varies with...
Good drying system is evaluated by its efficiency in removing the moisture content of products to a certain level and at the same time decrease the quality degradation that occurs in drying process. The objective of this study was to investigation effective moisture diffusivity and activation energy on convective hot air drying assisted extraction of dragon fruit slices. Drying experiments...
Radon is a human carcinogen and a serious public health problem. High radon inhalation for long periods can increase the risk of lung cancer. There are many studies in Thailand focused on the radon hazard posed in the home. However, no report of its level in school for children is observed. Children have been reported to have greater the risk than adults for certain types of cancer from...
Chiangda herbal tea is an herb from Thailand that has a long and varied history in traditional medicine, it has been used in ayurvedic medicine for several centuries as a safe and natural way to help regulate sugar metabolism. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of drying of Chiangda herbal tea with modified greenhouse dryer. Drying experiments were performed at an air...
This research aimed to study mechanical and physical properties of epoxy resin based hybrid composites reinforced with banana fiber three species; Musa X paradisiaca L. (Kluai TEEP: B1) Musa sapientum (Kluai Hin: B2) and Musa sapientum Linn. (Kluai Leb Mu Nang: B3). The mechanical properties of composites were evaluated tensile strength tensile modulus flexural strength flexural modulus and...
In this work, the usage of manganese (Mn) as an inexpensive alloying element for ferrous powder metallurgy was investigated. The mechanical properties of sintered Astaloy 85Mo and Astaloy CrM with different Mn and carbon (C) content were compared. Ferromanganese (FeMn) 1.25% and 2.5% and graphite 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6% by weight were mixed with Astaloy 85Mo and Astaloy CrM. The change of...
High chromium cast irons are widely used as abrasion resistant wear parts in mining, mineral and cement industries. Their abrasion and corrosion resistance can be improved by destabilisation heat treatment and element addition. Mo additions to high Cr irons lead to the formation of M2C or M6C type carbides depending on the Cr/C ratio. In the present work, iron containing 28 wt.%Cr-3 wt.%C-1...
Water pollution is a major problem that impact to the world environments. There are many methods to solve this problem such as physical, biological and chemical method. In chemistry, the researcher focuses to use the new photocatalyst to treat the water pollution. One of them, silver phosphate (Ag$_3$PO$_4$) has been attention because it has high photocatalytic activities. In this research...
Molecular dynamic and mesoscopic simulations are used to predict the morphologies of PS-b-PI diblock copolymer. Flory-Huggins interaction parameter is an intermediate parameter used to connect between both simulations. The repulsions between different beads are one of essential parameters that were calculated from the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter. The calculated repulsion is 3.79...
Following our interest in photoluminescence properties of lanthanide coordination polymers constructed using 2-nitro-1,4-benzenedicarboxylate (NO$_2$-BDC$^2$$^-$ [1,2], the lanthanum and its europium and terbium doped samples have been prepared; [(La)(NO$_2$-BDC)$_1$$_.$$_5$(H$_2$O)$_4$] (1),[(La$_0$$_.$$_9$$_2$Eu$_0$$_.$$_0$$_8$)(NO$_2$-BDC)$_3$(H$_2$O)$_4$] (2),...
The objective of this study was to describes the development of a three-dimensional (3-D) mathematical model, which was used to during drying of germinated parboiled Thunya-sirin glutinous rice product under dryer. The three-dimensional mathematical models were solved numerically using the finite element method; additionally the mathematical model was validated by comparing the simulated...
CsI doped with Tl (CsI:Tl) is a scintillator material used for radiation detector applications. CsI:Tl was crystalized by a modified homemade Bridgman-Stockbarger technique using different precursor purities. The purpose is to verify effects of precursor purity on optical properties of Cs:Tl crystals by UV-VIS and X-ray luminescence spectroscopy. A concentration of impurities in the precursor...
Sintered Fe-Cr-Mo-Si-C alloys, produced from two different pre-alloyed powders with compositions of Fe-3.0Cr-0.5Mo and Fe-1.5Cr-0.2Mo, showed a microstructure similar to that of a fully pearlitic ductile cast iron (DCI EN GJS700-2). The two sintered alloys exhibited close values of area fractions of a black particle (7 % of area fraction for the sintered Fe-1.5Cr-0.2Mo-inherited alloy or...
Biomass pelletization is the basically technique to improve raw biomass properties which tend to provide the enhancement of durability and energy density. There are plentiful of raw biomass resources around the world which divided into two groups; woody and non-woody, that has individual advancement. The present study is the evaluation of woody pellet quality which made from part of common...
To understand the hydrological regime of the surface water in Kanu Woralaksaburi district, Kamphaeng Phet province, the rainwater and surface water were analyzed on the isotopic variability of hydrogen (δ 2H) and oxygen ( δ18O) collected over 3 years from 2015-2017. Surface water evaporation was verified on the basis of the isotope composition results. Based on a total of 213 rainwater...
CsPbBr3 perovskite films were prepared by using two-step method and using as an active material in the hole-free transport materials for perovskite solar cells. The CsPbBr3 perovskite films were coated on the F-SnO2 (FTO) conductive substrate by the spin coating technique. To prepare CsPbBr3 perovskite film by the two-step method, firstly, the PbBr2 film was coated on the FTO substrate by spin...
The SrTiO$_3$ ceramics were fabricated by sol–gel and solid-state reaction hybrid method. The powders synthesized at the SG:SR molar ratio of 0.1:1 calcined at 950$^o$C for 2 hours were used to prepare the ceramics which were after sintered at 1050, 1150, 1250, and 1350$^o$C. The crystal structures, morphologies and dielectric properties of the ceramics were subsequently characterized. The...
In this research, the (Ba0.90Ca0.10)0.90(Na0.5Bi0.5)0.10TiO3 or BCT-NBT ceramics prepared by mixed oxide method with various sintering temperatures were investigated. The optimum calcination condition was found at 850oC for 4 h. These powders were pressed and sintered at 1000-1400oC for 3 h with a heating rate of 5oC/min. The microstructure was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM)....
In this work We consider the equation motion of an accelerating finite spherical shell charged particle which brings to the Landau-Lifshitz equation. This equation show that an acceleration of charged particle depends on an external force and its derivative. We find the solution of the acceleration from external rectangular force. SO that we solve the velocity and position of the charged...
Thailand was located on way though of tropical cyclone were formed in South China Sea or Pacific ocean and move to northeast of Thailand. The prevail storm in Thailand often downgraded to tropical depression. Northern Thailand has a tropics climate into three seasons. Rainy (May – October), Winter (October – February) and Summer (March – May). Averages rainfall around 1,230 mm/year received by...
This paper analyses a case study of 27-day recurrent geomagnetic storms (RGSs) and the ionospheric F-region over Peruvian, Ascension Island, and Port Stanley during vernal equinox in 2006. The RGSs are categorized into High-Intensity Long-Duration Continuous AE Activity (HILDCAA) and non-HILDCAA cases. The solar wind plasma, Ionosonde, and magnetometer data are used. The results revealed that...
Self-assembly of magnetic nanoparticles into a long-range monolayer pattern is under investigation in both theoretical aspect and data storage application. In this work, the effect of solid and liquid substrates on the nanoparticle assembly was compared. Iron (III) dibenzoylmethane (Fe(dbm)3) was used as an alternative reagent to highly toxic iron pentacabonyl (Fe(CO)5) in the co-reduction...
The Technology Computer Aid Design (TCAD) is a simulation framework of semiconductor processing, device operation and interconnect characterization for technology development and manufacturing. The collaboration between Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) and Thai Microelectronics Center (TMEC) aims to design a sensor prototype for particle tracking. The TCAD software at TMEC is used to...
Excess energy in machinery can be stored for reuse in forms of the kinetic energy of the flywheel, composed of a permanent magnetic ring. In the simulation of interaction of flywheel rings with superconducting bearing with COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.2 program, a Neodymium-Iron-Boron magnetic ring of 20 mm in inner radius, 80 mm in outer radius, and 23 mm in thickness has a remanent magnetic...
Magnetic refrigeration is a new technology based on the reduction of temperature below the room temperature by magnetocaloric effect. The Comsol mutiphysics and Poisson Superfish program are used to simulate the optimum structure for generating the maximum magnetic flux density in the air gap. A neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnets has a remanent flux density of 1.44 Tesla and relative...
High levels of the fine particlate matter in the air is one of the reasons that affect the respiratory and health problems to human and animals. This research aims to study and analyze the source locations of the fine Particulate Matter (PM), particularly PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 measured at the Lampang Rajabhat University (LPRU) using the optical particle counter scattering technique during...
Stable isotopes including 13C, 15N and 18O of local Thai rice samples were carried out using elemental analyzer isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA-IRMS). Thai rice samples, Khaowong sticky rice, Pakaumpul local rice, and Jek Chuey Sao Hai rice were cultivated from Kalasin, Surin, Saraburi provinces, respectively. In this study, we report the stable isotope ratio of rices for the isotopic...
This research aims to study and analyze the sources of particulate matter (PM) in Lampang which is measured by the Pollution Control Department (PCD) at 4 stations: 1) Department of Meteorology Phrabat, 2) Health Promotion Hospital Ban Soppad, 3) Bandong District Administrative Organization and 4) Mae Moh Provincial Waterworks Authority. Unusual periods of high PM were analyzed using multiple...
Cosmic rays (CRs) are high energy particles in space, mainly protons, for which the spectrum is well described by a power law. Recent measurements from PAMELA and AMS-02 indicate an abrupt change of the CR proton spectral index at $\sim$300 GeV. When CRs interact with the Earth's upper atmosphere, gamma-ray ($\gamma$-ray) photons can be produced and detected by space-based detectors. We use...
The wave energy is an alternative energy type. The energy quantity obtained from wave depended on many parameters such as the shape of floater, the wave height and the mechanism of energy transformation. Understandings in the effect of these parameters are necessary for wave energy utilization. Therefore, this research designed and constructed the floater testing set (FTS) for study the effect...
Cellulose has attracted much attention from researchers because of its unique properties.Whereas cellulose is a non-conductive, carbon nanotube (CNT) shows higher conductivity and thermal conductivity. CNT/cellulose composite fibers are prepared with 2 conditions:CNT concentration and mixing temperature. CNT/cellulose composite has been characterized by Ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometer...
Weather Radio Detection and Ranging or Weather Radar is an equipment used for detecting the position and direction of atmospheric movement. Weather Radar was calculated the time travel of electromagnetic wave which sent and received to the objects. The radar reflectance could be estimated amount of water vapor in the cloud, but it was not exact value of surface rain water. Therefore, to...
In this study of the physical properties of large stars, information from all five (5) stars were capture by shooting with a DSLR and through the Star Analyser SA-100 grating spectrometer. The observations were performed with a small 152 mm refracting telescope at the rooftop of Building 23, Faculty of Science, Lampang Rajabhat University. The data were then analyzed using the RSpec program in...
Topography can affect climate. Different topographies have different climates. Rainfall in each area varies by topography. Northern Thailand has been chosen as a study area due to its various topographies such as ridge, flat, plain and valley. This research studies reflectivity data and rainfall rate.
Z-R relationship is a relationship between a radar reflectivity (Z) and a rainfall rate (R)....
The objectives of this research were to study silk corn drying using microwave oven technique and to find out the appropriate thin layer equation for predicting the drying kinetic of silk corn. To achieve these purposes, experiments were conducted on drying electric power of microwave oven 300, 500 and 700 W. The effects of drying conditions on moisture ratio, drying rate , humanity absorption...
Study the number of sunspots from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; NOAA and events of earthquake from Meteorological Department Thailand. Determine the relationship between astronomical and geological. The solar storm will occur and lost is solar cycle about 11 years, whereas events of earthquake will occur continuously. It may not be possible to indicate the earthquakes...
Earth auroral phases, growth, expansion, and recovery phases, are the signatures of Earth’s substorm event in the polar regions. Auroral emissions in Earth’s northern hemisphere were observed in November 6, 1998, by the Visible Imaging System (VIS) the Ultraviolet Imager (UVI), instruments onboard POLAR spacecraft. Auroral morphology during 8:00UT – 9:00UT was studied based on images taken by...
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake, the biggest instrumentally recorded earthquake in Thailand, occurred in Chiang Rai Province on 5 May 2014 and caused wide damage in the affected area. The earthquake generated numerous aftershocks that could portray the location of the fault plane beneath the ground. In this work, we conducted integrated geophysical surveys consisting of 2D seismic reflection and 2D...
Graphene nanoribbon (GNR), a narrow stripe of graphene layer, has recently gained much attention due to its special electronic band gap and very large surface to volume ratio properties promising for numerous applications such as graphene-based electronic devices, energy storage and electromechanical sensors. GNR can be fabricated by several methods including unzipping of carbon nanotubes,...
Now, the research field of perovskite based solar cells has recently been developed as the most promising candidate for next-generation because of their high efficiency solar cell technology that is compatible with low-cost, low-temperature processing, long-term stability and simple structure of solar cells production such as the hybrid halide perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 in solar cells have high...
Barium strontium titanate (BST) ceramics were prepared by the hybrid method between solid-state reaction (SR) and sol-gel combustion (SC) methods using urea as a fuel. The crystalline powders were prepared by the mixed precursors at SR:SC molar ratio of 1:0.3 calcined at 950$^o$C for 2 hours. The BST ceramics were made of the calcined powders by sintering at 1050-1350$^o$C and instigated the...
In this work, we report the textile-based gas sensor for ammonia (NH$_3$) detection using PANi/PEDOT:PSS coated on commercially cotton yarn. A laye- by-layer of textile-based gas sensor was prepared by a facile dip coating of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) on the cotton yarn surface followed by coated a layer of polyaniline emeraldine base (PANi) on the top...
The monitoring indoor climate, outdoor temperature and electric energy consumption of an air-conditioning system was collected via the internet network and was analysed for the correlation between the outdoor temperature and electric consumption for energy management. Moist air properties were employed to setup the correlating equation that can be used to predict the energy consumption of the...
Soil compaction is one of the serious problems in crop production. It has occurred under stress in the soil, which induced by agricultural machines. Therefore, it is necessary to characterize stress in the soil so as to predict soil compaction. The stress state transducer is a device to derive the stresses in the soil. The purpose of this laboratory work is to study the effect of granular...