21–23 May 2018
Topland | Hotel & Convention Center Phitsanulok
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Students’ learning in Physics Laboratory

21 May 2018, 17:45
Ayutthaya Room

Ayutthaya Room

Poster Physics Education A02:Physics Education (Poster)


Ms Ruhaisa Dearamae (faculty of education, Khon kaen University)


The aim of this study was to explore the students’ learning in Physics Laboratory with 103 undergraduate students in Yala Rajabhat University at Southern of Thailand. The data were collected by ASELL survey to investigate students experience in the Lab, open-ended questions to investigate students’ ability to do experiments and semi-interview of 10 students to investigate students’ attitude in learning physics laboratory. The data from ASELL survey was analysed by basic statistic, and the data from open-ended questions and interview were analysed by interpretation method. Results from ASELL survey showed students’ attitude towards physics lab that they did not strongly agree with the physics lab are; developing data interpretation and laboratory skills, interesting, clear assessment, clear learning objectives, increasing understanding of Physics, sufficient background, effective laboratory instructors, good laboratory manual, relevance to Physics studies, developing teamwork, responsibility for own learning and overall learning experience. The open-ended questions were used to confirm the data from ASELL survey and found that most students explain experiments in the lab unclear. Some of them cannot explain and have no idea about what they did in the lab. These showed that learning in physics laboratory did not efficiencies. In addition, from the interviews showed that they need reflection from teacher about the experimental result in the end of the lab and they need to share their experiment results to classmate.

Keyword: Students’ learning, Physics Laboratory, ASELL survey


Ms Ruhaisa Dearamae (faculty of education, Khon kaen University)


Ms Jiradawan Huntula (faculty of education, Khon kaen University)

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