21–23 May 2018
Topland | Hotel & Convention Center Phitsanulok
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The Development of Metacognitive Control through the Metacognitive Development Process in Science Classroom

21 May 2018, 17:45
Ayutthaya Room

Ayutthaya Room

Poster Physics Education A02:Physics Education (Poster)


Ms Punyanuch Tapsai


The development of metacognitive control in science classroom is the process of this study to review themselves. This study aimed to investigate the metacognitive control of 10 students through the use of the Metacognitive Development Process (MDP) that has the following overall objectives:1) to develop students’ metacognitive control for free content of science class 2) to develop students’ metacognitive control in the simple circuit content with simulation and 3) to develop students’ metacognitive control for the projectile motion content with simulation. This study was a mixed-action study conducted within quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The main findings of this study reveal that the most student of the first phase as never on planning, monitoring and evaluating. When that used of the Metacognitive Development Process (MDP) were students’ metacognitive control on planning, monitoring and evaluating are seldom. The results of this study suggest that all of the phase of study was the most student can understand and know their own thinking and acting. They showed improved understanding and awareness about how to improve their planning, monitoring, and evaluating in science classrooms.



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