21–23 May 2018
Topland | Hotel & Convention Center Phitsanulok
Asia/Bangkok timezone

The Comparative Study of the Radiation Shielding of (60-x) PbO-x Li$_2$O-40 B$_2$O$_3$ (where $0 \le \text{x} \le 25$ mol%) Glass System by Using FLUKA to XCOM and the Previous Experimental Data

21 May 2018, 17:45
Ayutthaya Room

Ayutthaya Room

Poster Plasma and Ion Physics, Nuclear and Radiation Physics A04: Plasma and Nuclear Fusion (Poster)


Mr Chahkrit Sriwunkum (Ubon Ratchathani University)


We had investigated the efficacy of FLUKA Monte Carlo (MC) code for the gamma radiation shielding parameter calculation of the (60-x) PbO-x Li$_2$O-40 B$_2$O$_3$ (where $0 \le \text{x} \le 25$ mol%) glass system. The mass attenuation coefficients $(\mu_m)$, the effective atomic number $(Z_{eff})$, the effective electron density $(N_{el})$, mean free path $(MFP)$ and half value layer $(HVL)$ were investigated in the various sample of glasses for photon beams at different energies, 356, 662, 1173, and 1332 keV. Then we compared the results to the standard XCOM and the previous real experimental data. We found that the calculated values agree well with measured values from recently published experimental work, for which the maximum relative deviation is less than 1.5 % for all the glass samples.


Mr Chahkrit Sriwunkum (Ubon Ratchathani University)


Dr Tanin Nutaro (Ubon Ratchathani University) Dr Alejandro Saiz (Mahidol University)

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