21–23 May 2018
Topland | Hotel & Convention Center Phitsanulok
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Contrivance and Modification of In-house Brinell Hardness Tester for BHN Determination of Soft Materials

21 May 2018, 17:45
Ayutthaya Room

Ayutthaya Room

Poster Instrumentation, Metrology and Standards A08: Instrument (Poster)


Dr Rakdiaw Muangma


The aim of this work was to design and invent Brinell hardness testing machine for in-house testing and used for evaluation of hardness properties of soft materials. In this representation, the coated-wood-free (CWF) paper with grammage at 300 grams were used as the sample, whereas, the indenter diameter and the dwell time of imprinting were used at 7.86 mm and 10 seconds, respectively. After that, the hardness values were determined by using the principle of Brinell Hardness Number (BHN). This report presented the mean and the deviation of quantification that measured by this equipment and the focused parameter were included active weight loading, imprinted diameter, and BHN, respectively. Finally, the consequences of this analysis were discussed for development of this apparatus.


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