21–23 May 2018
Topland | Hotel & Convention Center Phitsanulok
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Method to determine the single curve IV characteristic parameter of solar cell

22 May 2018, 10:15
Lopburi Room

Lopburi Room

Oral Environmental Physics, Atmospheric Physics, Geophysics and Renewable Energy A14: Environment


Mrs Sukanya Khunchan (Naresuan University)


Solar cell I-V characteristics curves are basically representation of relationship between the current and voltage at the existing conditions of irradiance and temperature. I-V curves provide the information required to configure a solar system. The parameters values of V$_o$$_c$, I$_s$$_c$, V$_m$, I$_m$ and P$_m$, which can be experimentally measured. However, the circuit parameters reverse saturation current density (I$_0$), ideality factor (n), series resistance (R$_s$) and shunt resistance (R$_s$$_h$) at a certain solar irradiance and ambient temperature can be obtained by solving the governing equations of the solar cell. The purpose of this paper is to determine the I$_o$, n, R$_s$, and R$_s$$_h$ by the single IV-curve and the standard model of solar cell under different the irradiance intensity level (600-1000 W/m$^2$, temperature 25 $^o$C) is being done in this paper. From the results of these experiments we found that, the value of I$_0$ is between 4.78 x 10$^-$$^5$ A to 7.19 x 10$^-$$^5$ A and n of between values is 1.33 to 1.39. The increasing of I$_0$ and n are caused by the increase in the recombination current at high irradiance intensity. On the other hand the parasitic resistance of R$_s$ and R$_s$$_h$ are decrease at high intensity irradiance.


Mrs Sukanya Khunchan (Naresuan University)


Dr Buntoon Wiengmoon (Naresuan University)

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