7–11 Aug 2017
Columbus, Ohio, USA
US/Eastern timezone

Blazar Radio and Optical Survey (BROS): A New Catalog of Blazar Candidates

8 Aug 2017, 16:15
Corinthian Room (The Athenaeum)

Corinthian Room

The Athenaeum

Oral Gamma rays Gamma rays


Dr Yasuyuki Tanaka (Hiroshima University)


By using deep radio source catalogs currently available, we present a new blazar candidate catalog, BROS, which includes 56314 sources located at declination $\delta > -40^{\circ}$ and outside the Galactic Plane ($|b| > 10^{\circ}$). We picked up flat-spectrum radio sources of $\alpha > -0.5$ ($\alpha$ is defined as $F_{\nu} \propto \nu^{\alpha}$) from 0.15 GHz TGSS and 1.4 GHz NVSS catalogs. Then, we identified their optical counterparts by cross-matching with the Pan-STARRS1 data.
Color-color and color-magnitude plots for the selected flat-spectrum radio sources clearly showed two populations, “quasar-like” and “elliptical-galaxy-like” sequences. We emphasize that the latter population emerged for the first time and is missed by previous CRATES catalog because of the higher radio flux threshold.

We found that the color-magnitude relation of nearby bright elliptical galaxies up to z=0.3 follows the “elliptical-galaxy-like" sequence. The index of the logN-logS distribution for this sample is $1.44\pm0.06$, supporting the interpretation of "nearby" because the measurement is consistent with a value for a static Euclidean universe.
This BROS catalog is useful to search for electromagnetic counterparts of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays as well as PeV neutrions recently detected by IceCube, thus a powerful catalog in the era of multi-messenger astronomy. We also emphasize that this BROS catalog includes nearby ($z \leq 0.3$) BL Lac objects, a fraction of which would be TeV emitters and detectable by future Cherenkov Telescope Array. We will soon make this catalog available once published.


Dr Yasuyuki Tanaka (Hiroshima University)


Prof. Kouji Ohta (Kyoto University) Dr Yoshiyuki Inoue (ISAS/JAXA) Dr Yousuke Utsumi (Hiroshima University)

Presentation materials