7–11 Aug 2017
Columbus, Ohio, USA
US/Eastern timezone

Emission of Photons and Relativistic Axions from Axion Stars

10 Aug 2017, 17:15
Small Theater (The Athenaeum)

Small Theater

The Athenaeum

Oral Dark matter (direct detection, indirect detection, theory, etc.) Dark matter


Abhishek Mohapatra (The Ohio State University)


The number of nonrelativistic axions can be changed by inelastic reactions
that produce relativistic axions or photons.
Any even number of nonrelativistic axions can scatter inelastically into two relativistic axions. Any odd number of axions can annihilate into two photons.
This reaction produces a monochromatic radio-frequency signal at an odd-integer harmonic of the fundamental frequency set by the axion mass. The loss rates of axions from axion stars through these inelastic relations are calculated using the framework of a nonrelativistic effective field theory. Odd-integer harmonics of a fundamental radio-frequency signal provide a unique signature for collapsing axion stars or any dense configuration of axions.


Eric Braaten (Ohio State University) Abhishek Mohapatra (The Ohio State University) Hong Zhang

Presentation materials