7–11 Aug 2017
Columbus, Ohio, USA
US/Eastern timezone

Enhancing Dark Matter Annihilation Rates with Dark Bremsstrahlung

7 Aug 2017, 16:15
Athenian Room (The Athenaeum)

Athenian Room

The Athenaeum

Oral Dark matter (direct detection, indirect detection, theory, etc.) Dark matter


Nicole Bell (University of Melbourne)


Many dark matter interaction types lead to annihilation processes which suffer from $p$-wave suppression or helicity suppression, rendering them sub-dominant to unsuppressed $s$-wave processes. We demonstrate that the natural inclusion of dark initial state radiation can open an unsuppressed $s$-wave annihilation channel, and thus provide the dominant dark matter annihilation process for particular interaction types. We illustrate this effect with the bremsstrahlung of a dark pseudoscalar or vector boson from fermionic dark matter, $\overline{\chi}\chi\rightarrow \overline{f}f\phi$ or $\overline{f}fZ'$. The dark initial state radiation process, despite having a 3-body final state, proceeds at the same order in the new physics scale $\Lambda$ as the annihilation to the 2-body final state $\overline{\chi}\chi\rightarrow \overline{f}f$. This is lower order in $\Lambda$ than the well-studied lifting of helicity suppression via Standard Model final state radiation, or virtual internal bremsstrahlung. This dark bremsstrahlung process should influence LHC and indirect detection searches for dark matter.


Nicole Bell (University of Melbourne)


Yi Cai (The University of Melbourne) James Dent (University of Louisiana at Lafayette) Rebecca Leane Prof. Thomas Weiler (Vanderbilt University)

Presentation materials