7–11 Aug 2017
Columbus, Ohio, USA
US/Eastern timezone

A Radiative Neutrino Mass Model with SIMP Dark Matter

10 Aug 2017, 16:45
Spartan Room (The Athenaeum)

Spartan Room

The Athenaeum

Oral Particle physics (energy frontier, intensity/precision frontier, other theory) Particle physics


Dr Takashi Toma (Technical University of Munich)


We propose the first viable radiative seesaw model, in which the neutrino masses are induced radiatively via the two-loop Feynman diagram involving Strongly Interacting Massive Particles (SIMP). The stability of SIMP dark matter (DM) is ensured by a Z5 discrete symmetry, through which the DM annihilation rate is dominated by the 3 to 2 self-annihilating processes. The right amount of thermal relic abundance can be obtained with perturbative couplings in the resonant SIMP scenario, while the astrophysical bounds inferred from the Bullet cluster and spherical halo shapes can be satisfied. We show that SIMP DM is able to maintain kinetic equilibrium with thermal plasma until the freeze-out temperature via the Yukawa interactions associated with neutrino mass generation.


Dr Takashi Toma (Technical University of Munich)


Dr Koji Tsumura (Kyoto University) Mr Shu-Yu Ho (California Institute of Technology)

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