Dear colleagues,
the 20th edition of the European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC 2023) will be organized in Padova, Italy, from 2 to 5 October, 2023.
We hereby invite authors to submit their work to the conference. Both oral and poster contributions will be considered. A special issue of the Journal of Plasma Physics (JPP) will be devoted to the talks and posters presented at the conference.
Abstract submission starts on April 17, 2023 and the submission deadline is June 23, 2023. Notification regarding acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be sent to the presenting authors until July 7, 2023. Instructions for abstract submission can be found on the website:
Registration starts on May 8, 2023 and the deadline for early registration is July 14, 2023. Instructions for registration and payments can be found on the website:
The main topics covered by the conference are:
- Fusion devices: tokamaks, stellarators, reversed-field pinches, laser-induced ignition and new concepts
- Macro-instabilities, operational limits and disruptions
- Plasma confinement, neoclassical and turbulent plasma transport
- Optimization of magnetic confinement devices and 3D magnetic field effects
- Burning plasmas and fast particles
- Heating, current drive and wave-particle interactions
- Edge and scrape-off layer/divertor physics
- Experimental validation of theoretical models and diagnostics development
- Computational plasma physics
- Basic plasma theory
For additional information regarding the conference, please consult the website:
We look forward to welcoming you in EFTC 2023!
Christos Tsironis
Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee
Daniele Bonfiglio
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
Dear colleagues,
we are happy to announce that the 20th edition of the European Fusion Theory Conference will be held in Padova, Italy, between 2 and 5 October 2023. The conference will be organized by Consorzio RFX. Padova.
The conference programme will consist of invited lectures, oral contributions and poster contributions. The main topics covered are:
• Fusion devices: tokamaks, stellarators, reversed-field pinches, laser-induced ignition and new concepts.
• Macro-instabilities, operational limits and disruptions.
• Plasma confinement, neoclassical and turbulent plasma transport.
• Optimization of magnetic confinement devices and 3D magnetic field effects.
• Burning plasmas and fast particles.
• Heating, current drive, and wave particle interactions.
• Edge and scrape-off layer/divertor physics.
• Experimental validation of theoretical models and diagnostics development.
• Computational plasma physics.
• Basic plasma theory.
Detailed information are provided on the conference website:
The Scientific Programme Committee responsible for the 2023 edition of the EFTC is:
Daniele Bonfiglio | Consorzio RFX, Italy |
Irina Borodkina | IPP/CAS, Czech Republic |
Jeronimo Garcia | IRFM/CEA, France |
Yevgen Kazakov | LPP-ERM/KMS, Belgium |
Taina Kurki-Suonio | Aalto University, Finland |
Sarah Newton | CCFE, United Kingdom |
Felix Parra | PPPL, United States |
Paolo Ricci | SPC/EPFL, Switzerland |
Emilia Solano | LNF/CIEMAT, Spain |
Christos Tsironis, chair | NTUA, Greece |
Jose Luis Velasco | LNF/CIEMAT, Spain |
Alessandro Zocco | IPP Greifswald, Germany |
Information about previous editions of the EFTC can be found here:
We look forward to welcoming you in Padova!
Christos Tsironis Daniele Bonfiglio
Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee Chair of the Local Organizing Committee