KM3NeT is a network of submarine Cherenkov neutrino telescopes under construction in two different sites of the Mediterranean Sea. ARCA, near Sicily in Italy, is optimized for the detection of cosmic neutrinos while ORCA, near Toulon in France, for atmospheric neutrinos.
ARCA and ORCA are both arrays of thousands of optical sensors (Digital Optical
Modules - DOMs), each made of 31 small...
An innovative cylindrical gas-electron multiplier (CGEM) is under construction to replace the BESIII experiment inner drift chamber, which is suffering from aging. By the end of 2019 two of the three CGEM layers have been built and shipped to the Institute of High Energy Physics in Beijing. Due to SARS-CoV2 pandemic, the system has been remotely controlled since January 2020.
A special...
At the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility, the Source for the Production of Ions of Deuterium Extracted from Radio frequency plasma (SPIDER) has been in operation since 2018 aiming at prototyping the heating and diagnostic neutral beam appliances in view of the ITER demanding requirements for plasma burning conditions and instabilities control.
For the sake of safety, machine protection and...