Cooling storage ring External-target Experiment (CEE) under design at Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou-Cooling Storage Ring (HIRFL-CSR) is a multi-purpose spectrometer and will be used for various studies on heavy-ion collisions, where three Multi Wire Drift Chambers (MWDCs) are used as collision products tracking detectors. The readout electronics of CEE-MWDC is designed based on...
In this paper, we implement a n/γ discrimination algorithm in a low power Flash FPGA for CLYC scintillation detector. In order to make the whole algorithm more suitable for the real-time radiation detection applications, pile-up rejection and noise discrimination are also implemented in FPGA logic. the power dissipation of the data process board (including 250 MS/s 12 bit ADC and front...
Abstract—This paper describes the HPGe preamplifier noise hardware simulation based on Vivado that can generate a b and c noise. The simulation is base on Broad Energy Germanium Detectors (BEGe) experimental platform. Noise power spectral density are obtain from BEGe by fit ENC curve with different shaping time. The monte carlo method are used in the noise hardware simulation with Tausworth...
A real-time n/γ detection prototype system using NaIL scintillator is presented in this paper. The use of Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) array enables low-power and compact-geometry applications. A high-speed waveform sampling board based on analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is employed, and a discrimination algorithm is implemented in the FPGA of the sampling board. Gamma detection test...