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The second international in-person EXPLORE summer school on "Messengers from the Extreme and Ancient Universe” will take place from August 28 to September 1, 2023 at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada.
The summer school events include:
Lectures will be given by professors at the University of Alberta:
All students (Bachelor, Master, PhD), postdocs and early career researchers who are interested to learn about and explore hot topics in astroparticle physics are invited to participate in the EXPLORE summer school!
The number of participants is limited to 40.
EXPLORE stands for "EXPeriential Learning Opportunity through Research and Exchange”. It is an international student research collaboration in theoretical astroparticle physics and brings together students from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, and York University and the University of Alberta in Canada. The EXPLORE project is mentored by the following faculty supervisors:
The EXPLORE project is supported by the Academic Innovation Fund (AIF) at York University, Goethe University QSL (``Quality Assurance in Teaching'') funds, the DFG Collaborative Research Center CRC-TR 211 “Strong-interaction matter under extreme conditions” and the State of Hesse through the research cluster ELEMENTS.