A resonance like structure observed in double-pionic fusion to the deuteron, at M=2.38 GeV with Γ=70 MeV and I(J^P )=0(3^+) has been consistently observed in a wealth of reaction channels, supporting the existence of a resonant hexaquark state - the d^* (2380). It was recently indicated that this new particle may set a limit on achievable neutron star masses, play a key role in the dynamics of neutron star merger events (including resultant gravitational wave emission) and has the potential to be an important intermediate step in the nuclear to quark-gluon plasma transition.
The talk will present the first results on d photoproduction, obtained with the Crystal Ball at MAMI. The new analysis indicated that the d(2380) is likely to be excited predominantly through an M3 transition rather than an E2 transition, which is consistent with its proposed compact nature. The d*(2380) is likely be the first genuine hexaquark. Further possible astrophysical implications will also be outlined.