5:30 PM
(G*) (POS-27) The KDK Experiment: A Measurement of 40K Relevant for Rare-Event Searches
Lilianna Hariasz
(Queen's University, Kingston, ON)
P.C.F. Di Stefano
(Queen's University, Kingston, ON)
5:32 PM
(POS-28) Systematic Investigation of the TRIUMF Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source Charge State Booster
Joseph Adegun
5:34 PM
(G*) (POS-29) Triggering on Atmospheric Muons in STRAW
Braeden Veenstra
(University of Alberta)
5:36 PM
(G*) (POS-30) Muon Veto System for Mini-HALO Neutrino Detector
Shayaan Sajid
5:38 PM
(U*) (POS-31) Toward understanding the nuclear efficiency threshold of bubble chamber detectors
Xiang Li
(University of Alberta)
5:40 PM
(G*) (POS-32) A mirror study in an ARICH detector for a hadron production experiment
Bruno Ferrazzi
(University of Regina )
5:42 PM
(G*) (POS-33) Optical Calibration of the SNO+ Detector using Internal Backgrounds
Serena Riccetto
(Queen's University)
Rayhaneh Dehghani
(Queen's University)
Anthony Allega
(Queen's University)
5:44 PM
(POS-34) Optimizing IWCD's Outer Detector using optical simulations
Deepak Tiwari
(Hyper-K, University of Regina & TRIUMF)
5:46 PM
(U*) (POS-35) C14 in SNO+
Keegan Paleshi
5:48 PM
(U*) (POS-36) Commissioning and Calibration of a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) Detector at SNOLAB
Hassan Subhi
5:50 PM
(G*) (POS-37) Toward a Veto Mechanism to Reduce Background for the Hyper-Kamiokande’s Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector
Luan Koerich
5:52 PM
(POS-38) Analysis on A Large HPGe PPC Detector with Machine Learning
Tianai Ye
(Queen's University)
5:54 PM
(U*) (POS-39) PMT Response Simulation and Long-Term Reliability Studies for nEXO's Muon Veto
Liam Retty
5:56 PM
(U*) (POS-40) Cosmogenic Muon Background Characterization for nEXO
Regan Ross
5:58 PM
(G*) (POS-41) SNO+ backgrounds: Po210 on the acrylic vessel surface and Rn222 in cavity water
Shengzhao Yu
(Laurentian University)
6:00 PM
(G*) (POS-42) Simulating nEXO's Outer Detector with Chroma
Soud Al Kharusi
6:02 PM
(G*) (POS-43) Searches for double beta decay of Xe-134 with EXO-200
Allan Perna
(Carleton University)
6:04 PM
(U*) (POS-44) Simulating an Active Target Time Projection Chamber
Alicia Postuma
6:06 PM
(POS-70) Upgrading the radiopurity.org materials database
Silvia Scorza
6:08 PM
(POS-71) Radon Content in Cover-Gas Systems at SNOLAB
Syed M Adil Hussain
6:10 PM
(POS-72) Probing lepton flavour universality with PIONEER
Katherine Pachal