M3-4 Strong Gravity and Black Holes (DTP) | Gravité forte et trous noirs (DPT)
- Ivan Booth
Gravitational-wave and multi-messenger astronomy shed light on the astrophysics of black-holes and neutron-stars and also allow for unique probes of fundamental physics. I will discuss recent results on how the mergers of neutron stars and the death of massive, rotating stars give rise to the formation of heavy elements in the universe. In particular, I will discuss recent results at the...
In astrophysically realistic black holes – for instance, binary black hole mergers – the surface of most obvious interest is the Event Horizon. However, this surface is often computationally difficult to locate due to its global definition. Instead, it is useful to turn to quasi-local characterizations of black hole boundaries, such as Marginally Outer Trapped Surfaces (MOTS), which have the...
Black holes evaporate through Hawking radiation but without a full quantum treatment of gravity the endpoint of this process is not yet entirely understood. For example it's been suggested that information that enters a black hole is irreversibly lost after it evaporates, an apparent contradiction with quantum mechanics. Studying the behaviour of information in black hole evaporation in...
Two particle detectors locally interacting with a quantum field can be correlated, even if they are spacelike separated, due to pre-existing field correlations. Such an extraction protocol is called entanglement harvesting. Less well-studied is extraction of more general correlations, as parametrized by mutual information (the total classical and quantum correlations). We investigate the...
In this talk I present a novel family of slowly rotating black hole solutions in four, and higher dimensions, that extend the well known Lense–Thirring spacetimes to the higher-dimensional multiply-spinning case, with an ansatz that is not necessarily fully characterized by a single (static) metric function. This generalization lets us study slowly rotating spacetimes in various higher...