489 / 489
- 종헌 문
- Daniel Abarbanel
- Mina Abbaslou
- Matheus Adam
- Elijah Adams (University of Toronto)
- Joseph Adegun
- Pushparaj Adhikari (Carleton University)
- Navid Afrasiabian
- Mohammad Ahmady
- Ryosuke AKUTSU
- Soud Al Kharusi
- Anthony Allega (Queen's University)
- Melissa Almanza Soto (McGill University)
- Furkan Altincicek
- Melissa Anderson (Biomedical Engineering, University of Manitoba)
- Mark Anderson
- Tetyana Antimirova
- Cemile Senem Arabaci
- Mark Armstrong (University of Windsor)
David Armstrong
- Speaker at (I) The MOLLER experiment
- Asimina Arvanitaki
- elke-caroline Aschenauer
- Bill Atkinson
- Sebastien Avakian
- Alexander Bachiu (Carleton University (CA))
- Thomas Baker
- Jonathan Barenboim
- Svetlana Barkanova (Grenfell Campus of Memorial University)
- Jacob Barnett
- Jonathan Barrett (MUN)
- Saman Bazmi
- Layale Bazzi (University of Windsor)
- Tom Beardsley
- James Beare (McMaster University)
- Alexandre Beaubien (University of Victoria)
- Nicholas Beier (University of Alberta)
- Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA))
- Catherine Bina
- Julien Bissonnette-Dulude (Polytechnique Montréal)
- Brynne Blaikie
- Emma Blanchette (University of Windsor)
- Justin Boddison-Chouinard
- Igor Boettcher (University of Alberta)
- Jaime Bohorquez (University of Guelph)
Mark James Boland
(University of Saskatchewan (CA))
- Speaker at New CLS e-linac
- Aaron Bondy
- Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher
Ivan Booth
- Speaker at (I) Black hole mergers and internal geometry
- Rebecca Booth (University of Toronto)
- Nicholas Booth (TRIUMF)
- houssem eddine bousba (Laboratory of Microsystems and Instrumentation (LMI), Electronic department, Faculty of Technology Sciences, Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 University, Constantine, Algeria)
- Michael Bradley
- Aidan Brown (Ryerson University)
Douglas Andrew Bryman
(University of British Columbia (CA))
- Speaker at NA62 silicon pixel testing
- Samantha Buck (University of Guelph)
- Kendra Bueley
- Clifford Burgess (High Energy Physics Group - McGill University)
- Cameron Burns (McMaster Univ.)
- Timothy Burton
- Liliana Caballero Suarez
- Joshua Cadogan
- Melanie Campbell
- Simon Caron-Huot (McGill University)
- Christopher Chambers (McGill University)
- Kam To Billy Chan
- Bindiya Chana (Carleton University)
- Setarehalsadat Changizrezaei
Patrick Charbonneau
(Duke University)
- Speaker at (I) Recent Advances on the Glass Problem
- Qiang Chen (Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University)
- Madison Chisholm
Pheerawich Chitnelawong
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at (G*) Entropy, Networks, and Design
- James Chow
Daniel Cluff
(University of Exeter)
- Speaker at Professional Development / P Phys
- Speaker at Energy Management and Mine Cooling via Cryogenics
- Robin Coleman
- Rob Collister (Carleton University)
- Logan Cooke
- Jean-Marie Coquillat
- Sean Cornelius (Ryerson University)
- Eamonn Corrigan
- Sebastien Cote
- Lenaic Couedel (University of Saskatchewan)
- Sylvain Coulombe
- David Craig (Oregon University)
- Daniel Cresta
- Megan Cvitan (McMaster University)
- Andrzej Czarnecki
- Simon Dap
Arundhati Dasgupta
- Speaker at Quantum Gravity Phenomenology
Sean Daugherty
- Speaker at DEAP-3600 Hardware Upgrades
- Jack Davis
- Francois De Brienne (Université De Montreal)
- Wouter Deconinck
- Eric De Giuli (Ryerson)
- Rayhaneh Dehghani (Queen's University)
- Alan Denton (North Dakota State University)
- Itzal De Urioste Terrazas
- Rahim Dhalla (Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo)
- Harvir Dhindsa
Al-Amin Dhirani
- Speaker at “Nanoengineering” 2-D nanosheets
- James Diamond
- Rainer Dick
- Olivia Di Matteo (The University of British Columbia)
- Jeremy Dion
- Laura-Isabelle Dion-Bertrand
- Mamadou Diop (Lawson)
- Philippe Di Stefano (Queen's University)
- Dalini D. Maharaj (TRIUMF, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Windsor)
- Audren Dorval
- Dhvani Chetan Doshi
- Benjamin Dringoli
- Nathan Drouillard (University of Windsor)
- Victor Drouin-Touchette (Rutgers University)
- Alix Dujardin
- Turkuler Durgut
- Daniel Durnford (University of Alberta)
- Lauren Dutcher
- Maryam Ebrahimi (Lakehead University)
- Chinenye Ekeruche
- Gwynn Elfring (University of British Columbia)
- Emma Ellingwood
- Yasmeen El-Rayyes (University of Guelph)
- Abo-bakr Emara
Cristiano Fanelli
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Speaker at (I) AI-assisted design of the EIC Detector
- Ningyan Fang
- Liam Farrell
- Eleanor Fascione
Renee Fatemi
(University of Kentucky)
- Speaker at (I) Electron-Ion Collider: Project Overview
- Olha Fedoryk
- Hunter Feltham
- Nitara Fernando
- Bruno Ferrazzi
- Dante Filice
- Erin L. Flannigan
- Joel Hengwei Foo (University of Toronto (CA))
- Nancy Forde
- Saeid Foroughi-Abari (University of Victoria)
- For the PREX/CREX collaboration
- Cécile Fradin (McMaster University)
- Mariana Frank (Concordia University)
- Beatrice Franke
Tim Friesen
(U Calgary)
- Speaker at (I) anti-hydrogen spectroscpy ALPHA @ CERN
- Felix Frontini
- Eric Gyabeng Fuakye (University of Regina)
- Eduardo Galiano
- Mark Gallagher
- Kensuke Gallock Yoshimura
- Shivam Garg
- Carter Garrah
- Rhea Gaur
- Nicholas Gauthier (University of Sherbrooke)
- Jonah Gautreau
- Chloé Gauvin-Ndiaye (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Michael Gennari
- Korentin Géraud
- Michael Gericke (University of Manitoba)
- Mahumm Ghaffar (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Chloe Gingras
Mathieu Giroux
(McGill University)
- Speaker at (G*) One problem in a ‘melon’ (milion)
- James Giroux (University Of Regina, University Of Ottawa)
- John Gjevre (University of Alberta)
- Laura Gonzalez Escudero (McGill University)
- Fatemeh Gorgannejad
- Narasimha Gosala (University of Lethbridge)
- Alexander Gottberg (TRIUMF (CA))
- Vincent Gousy-Leblanc
Claudiu Gradinaru
(University of Toronto)
- Speaker at (I) Single-molecule perspectives of GPCRs
- Gregory Grason (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- Finnian Gray (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Beau Greaves (University of Guelph)
- Hao Guo
- Gerald Gwinner (University of Manitoba)
- Peter Gysbers
- Joshua Hainge
- Paul Haljan
- Alannah Hallas (University of British Columbia)
- Fayçal Hammad (Bishop's University)
- T.J. Hammond (University of Windsor)
- SangEun Han (University of Toronto)
- Lilianna Hariasz
- Ania Harlick (University of Toronto)
- Ross Harper
- Stephen Harrigan
- Matthew Harrington (Dept. of Chemistry, McGill University)
- Mark Patrick Hartz (TRIUMF & Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo)
- Patrick Hayden (Stanford University)
- Natasha Hedden
Jane Heffernan
(York University Department of Mathematics and Statistics)
- Speaker at Mathematical Modelling of COVID-19
- Robie Hennigar (Institute for Cosmos Sciences, University of Barcelona)
- Antoine Herrmann
- Anaelle Hertz
- Yasaman Heshmatzadeh (McMaster University)
Nigel Hessey
- Speaker at NA62 silicon pixel testing
- Andreas Hilfinger (University of Toronto Mississauga)
- Sebastian Himbert (McMaster University)
- Lydia Hodgins
- Johnathan Hoggarth
- Justin Hogue
- Griffin Howson (University of Windsor)
- Symphony (Hsiao-Yuan) Huang (McMaster University)
- Garth Huber
- Timothy Hucko (University of Manitoba)
- Danya Hudson (Honeywell Aerospace)
Brayden Hull
- Speaker at (G*) Negative Mass de Sitter Black Holes
- Allan Hupman
- Syed M Adil Hussain
- Elaina Hyde (York University)
- Takashi Imai (McMaster University)
- Seshu Iyengar
- Arthi Jayaraman (University of Delaware)
- Thomas Jennewein (University of Waterloo)
- Chris Jillings
- Euan Joly-Smith
- Rohith Kaiyum
- Sakshi Kakkar
- Hossein Kalhori
Vahid Kamali
- Speaker at Non-standard Inflation and Quantum Gravity
- Denise Kamp
- Jasneet Kaur (Brock University)
- Gurpreet Kaur
Ellis Kay
(University of Victoria (CA))
- Speaker at (I) ATLAS Highlights
- Stephen Kay
- Brayden Kell
Oliver Kester
- Speaker at (I) EIC Accelerator Technology Challenges
- Ali Khademi
Zena Khadour
- Speaker at (U*) Whispers from the active inner ear
- Hamza Khattak
- Majid Kheirkhah (University of Alberta)
- Solmaz Khodaeifaal (Simon Fraser University)
- Maria Kilfoil (University of Prince Edward Island / Physics)
- Paul King
- Liam Kischuck (Ryerson University)
- Emma Klemets (McGill University, UBC)
- Bryn Knight
- David Knudsen
- Luan Koerich
- Thomas Koffas (Carleton University (CA))
- Chapin Korosec (York University)
- Hannah Krivic
- Meenu Kumari
- Antoine Labbé
- Maureen Joel Lagos
- Samuel Laliberté (McGill University)
- Philippe Laporte
- Aislyn Laurent
- Alexandre Laurier (Carleton University (CA))
- Maedeh Lavvaf
Robert Edward Laxdal
- Speaker at Superconducting RF research in Canada
- Kyle Leach (Colorado School of Mines)
Eve Lee
- Speaker at (I) Planets Big and Small
- Carmen Lee
- Luis Lehner
- Phil LeMaitre
- Peter Lepage
- Xiyuan Li (The University of Western Ontario)
- Yu Li
- Heqiu Li
- Xiang Li (University of Alberta)
- Fei LIU (Anhui University)
- Maria Liubarska (University of Alberta)
- Ga Ching Lui (University of Toronto)
Adina Luican-Mayer
(University of Ottawa)
- Speaker at (I) Quantum materials at the atomic scale
- Emma Macdonald (McMaster University, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)
- Karen Macías Cárdenas (Queen's University)
Joseph Maciejko
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at (I) Hyperbolic Band Theory
- Russell Mammei
- Robert Mann (University of Waterloo)
- Re Mansbach (Concordia University)
- Zachary Manson
- Richard Marchand
- Juan Margalef (Memorial University)
- Drew Marquardt (University of Windsor)
- Juliette Martin (The University of Edinburgh, TRIUMF)
- Jeffery Martin (The University of Winnipeg)
- Victor Marton
- Mark McCrea
- Evan McDonough
- Sajed Mcheik
- David McKeen (TRIUMF)
- Nanqin Mei Mei
- Helen Melino
- Diana Mendez Avalos
- Marco Merkli (Memorial University)
Lia Merminga
- Speaker at (I) DUNE and PIP-II
Ella Meyer
(University of British Columbia)
- Speaker at (I) Diversifying Talent in Quantum Computing
- Feigis Michal (McMaster University)
- Emile Michaud
- Ashley Micuda (Queen's University)
- Caleb Miller
- Dmytro Minchenko (University of Alberta)
- Hamid Mirpoorian
- Jerit Mitchell
- Kimia Mohammadi
- Laurent Molino (University of Ottawa)
- Benjamin Morling (University of Guelph)
Faheem Mosam
(Ryerson University)
- Speaker at (G*) Random Asymmetric Markov Models
- Kevin Murray
- Christine Muschik
- Sarah Muth
- Vrinda Nair (Concordia University)
- Neha Nasir (Ryerson University)
- Ali Nezhadsafavi
Keith Ng
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at A Little Excitement Across the Horizon
Tony Noble
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at McDonald Institute Report
- Pooja Devi Nolan (University of Calgary Dep. of Phys. and Astronomy (CA))
- Jonathan Not Supplied
- Shankar Not Supplied
- Yuqi Not Supplied
Duncan O'Dell
(McMaster University)
- Speaker at Caustics in quantum many-body dynamics
- Art Olin (TRIUMF (CA))
- Duncan Osmond (University of New Brunswick)
- Noureddine Oudini (Plasmionique Inc, 1650 Lionel-Boulet, Varennes, J3X 1P7, QC, Canada)
- Katherine Pachal
- Hamsa Padmanabhan
Keegan Paleshi
- Speaker at (U*) (POS-35) C14 in SNO+
- Georgios Palkanoglou
- Zisis Papandreou
- Arun Paramekanti (University of Toronto)
- Manu Paranjape (Université de Montréal)
- Tristhal Parasram
- Nahee Park
- Elnaz Parniyany
Mayur Patel
(Simon Fraser University)
- Speaker at (G*) Single Photon Air Analyzer
- Everett Patterson (University of Waterloo)
- cedric pattyn
- Antara Paul (McGill University, (CA))
- Allan Perna (Carleton University)
- Laurence Perreault Levasseur
- Samuel Perron (University of Western Ontario)
- Michael Perry
- Robert Petry
- Rüdiger Picker (TRIUMF)
- James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))
Marie-Cécile Piro
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at (I) Detecting Dark Matter
- Jason Pitters (Nanotechnology Research Centre, National Research Council Canada)
- Ryan Plumadore
- Levon Pogosian
Louis Poirier
- Speaker at Catch basin rating curves
- Eric Poisson (University of Guelph)
- Luise Poley (Simon Fraser University (CA))
- Chris Polly
- James Polson
- Alicia Postuma
- Laurent Potvin-Trottier (Center for Applied Synthetic Biology, Concordia University)
- Poulose Poulose (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati)
- Aditi Pradeep
Jean-Francois Pratte
- Speaker at Photon to digital converter
- Jacopo Profili (Université Laval)
- Nick Prouse
- Guillermo Fernando Quispe Peña (Simon Fraser University)
- Stephanie Diana Rädel
Marco Radici
- Speaker at (I) Theoretical Opportunities at the EIC
- Krishna Rajagopal (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
- Udbhav Ram
- Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor)
- Hussain Rasiwala (McGill University)
Jeffrey Rau
- Speaker at Thermal Conductivity of Square Ice
- Bernadette Maria Rebeiro (McGill University)
- . Reefat
- Stefan Reinsberg
Fabrice Retiere
- Speaker at Introduction + 4D Digital Detector concept
- Liam Retty (Laurentian University)
- Tyler Reynolds (University of Toronto)
Maikel Rheinstadter
(McMaster University)
- Speaker at (I) Functional and Functionalized Membranes
- Serena Riccetto (Queen's University)
- Jonathon Riddell (McMaster University)
- Paul Ripoche
- raphael robert (Université de Montréal / université de Perpignan via Domitia)
- Steven Robertson (McGill University, (CA))
- Marco Rocchini (University of Guelph)
Keanu Mason Rock
- Speaker at (G*) Universality in Prediction Markets
- David Roddy (TRIUMF, University of Edinburgh)
- Orlando Rodríguez
- Michael Roney (University of Victoria)
- Sjoerd Roorda
- Regan Ross
- Noah Rowe
- Andrew Rutenberg
- Mohamad Sabsabi (Energy, Mining and Environment Research Center, National Research Council Canada)
- Katarzyna Sadecka (Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
- Shayaan Sajid
- Yasser Saleem (University of Ottawa)
- Ingo Salzmann (Concordia University)
- Colm Sam (University of British Columbia (CA))
- GSavvidis Savvidis (Queen's University)
Thomas Scaffidi
- Speaker at (I) Electron Hydrodynamics
Carlo Maria Scandolo
(University of Calgary)
- Speaker at (I) Quantum Resource Theories and Beyond
- Mathew Schneider (McMaster University)
- Christopher Schruder (York University )
- Silvia Scorza
Sanjeev Seahra
- Speaker at (I) Quantum finite elements
Carolyn Sealfon
- Speaker at Physical Science in Contemporary Society
- Bahman Seifi Jegarkandi
- Will Selby (University of New Brunswick)
- Pramodh Senarath Yapa (University of Alberta)
- Sujit Sengupta
- Andrei Seryi (Jefferson Lab)
Susnata Seth
- Speaker at Alpha Quenching Factor in Liquid Argon
- Hurmiz Shamana
- Anima Sharma (TRIUMF)
Shafayat Shawqi
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at (G*) Sorkin-Johnston Effective Field Theory
- Kyle Shiells (Center for Nuclear Femtography)
- Barak Shoshany
- Daniel Siegel
- Lena Simine (McGill University)
- Rane Alexander Simpson (TRIUMF (CA))
- Sahibjeet Singh (University of Toronto (CA))
- Rachna Singh
- Aaron Slepkov (Trent University)
Nigel Smith
- Speaker at TRIUMF Director Report
- Evan Smith
- Spencer Smyth
- Ramses Snoeckx (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST))
- Erik Sorensen (McMaster University)
- Robert Spekkens (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Michael Staelens
Krzysztof Starosta
- Speaker at Study of cross-shell excitations near the 'island of inversion' using fusion-evaporation and Doppler shift methods
- Speaker at Electromagnetic Transition Rate Studies in 28Mg
- Speaker at Mirror Symmetry in the f7/2 Shell Below 56Ni, Excited States and Electromagnetic Transition Rates in 55Ni and 55Co
- Jake Stephen
- Philippe St-Jean (Universite de Montreal)
- Rene Stock
Xavier Stragier
- Speaker at The New Electron Source Lab at CLS
- Donna Strickland (University of Waterloo)
- Hassan Subhi
- Cissy Suen (University of British Columbia (Quantum Matter Institute), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Advanced Light Source (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory))
- Ruoyu Sun (McMaster University)
- Sriram Sundaram (McMaster University)
- karthik suresh (University of Regina)
- Maximilian J Swiatlowski (TRIUMF (CA))
Benjamin Tam
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at (G*) The SNO+ Scintillator Fill
- Speaker at The IDEAS Initiative
- K. Tanaka (University of Saskatchewan)
- Ramy Tannous (University of Waterloo)
- Arina Tashchilina (University of Alberta)
- Omid Tavakol
- Matin Tavayef (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Alexandra Terrana (Minerva University)
- David Tessier
- Edward Thoeng (TRIUMF)
- Deepak Tiwari (Hyper-K, University of Regina & TRIUMF)
- Collin Tower (Brock University)
- Emily Tracey (University of Windsor)
- Bill Truong
- Thomas Tsangaris
- Rashmi Umashankar (TRIUMF)
- Speaker at Panel Session
- Muhammad Usman (Universite de Montreal (CA))
Sree Ram Valluri
(Uuniversity of Western Ontario)
- Speaker at Solar Cells_and the Lambert W Function
- Nicholas van Heijst
- Nicole Vassh (TRIUMF)
- Braeden Veenstra (University of Alberta)
Bob Velghe
- Speaker at NA62 silicon pixel testing
- Victor Verzilov (TRIUMF (CA))
- Stephane Vinet
Clarence Virtue
- Speaker at SNOLAB Director Report
- Hannah Wakeling
- Coulter Walls
- Zhuangfei Wang (Simon Fraser University)
- Jiaming Wang
- Xue Wang
- Marianne Ward (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Sean Watson (Polytechnique Montreal)
Steph Weber
(McGill University)
- Speaker at (I) Bacterial condensates under stress
- Chen Wei
- William Whelan
- Robert Wickham
- James Daniel Willis
- NGANFO YIFOUE WILLY ANISET (université de Dschang)
- Connor Wilson
- Elise Woodward
- Chih-Pan Wu
- Wilson Wu
- Frank (Tongan) Wu (Simon Fraser University)
- Penghao Xiao (Dalhousie University)
- Jiayu Xie
- Yue Xu
- Yang Yang
- Huan Yang
- Tianai Ye (Queen's University)
- Edith Yeung
- Junjie Yin
- tahreem yousaf
- Shengzhao Yu (Laurentian University)
- Max Yuan (University of Alberta)
- Shuaishuai Yuan
- Weishi Yuan
Najeh Zarir
(University of Western Ontario)
- Speaker at Metamaterials and the Lambert W functio
- Xiaohan Zhou
- Yijia Zi (McMaster University)