W2-8 Condensed matter theory II (DCMMP/DTP) | Théorie de la matière condensée II (DPMCM/DPT)
- Tamar Pereg-Barnea
In the electron dynamics in quantum matter, the Berry curvature of the electronic wave function provides the artificial magnetic field in momentum space, which leads to nontrivial contributions to transport coefficients. It is known that in the presence of electron-electron and/or electron-phonon interactions, there is an extra contribution to the electron dynamics due to the artificial...
Fractonic phases of matter are characterized as possessing unusual mobility restricted quasiparticle excitations, and a ground state degeneracy that is sub-extensive and geometry dependent. While there exist a number of exactly solvable models with interactions between multiple particles/spins, the realization of such models in real materials is extremely challenging. In this talk, we...
We investigate thermal transport in square ice, a two-dimensional analogue of spin ice, exploring the role played by emergent magnetic monopoles in transporting energy. Using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations based on energy preserving extensions of single-spin-flip dynamics, we explicitly compute the (longitudinal) thermal conductivity, $\kappa$, over a broad range of temperatures. We use two...
Quasicrystals are emerging topological materials which have aperiodic long-range order and higher-dimensional symmetry, with peculiar rotational symmetry that is forbidden by crystallography. Motivated by the recent discovery of superconductivity in a quasicrystal, we study topological superconductivity (TSC) with broken time-reversal symmetry in two-dimensional quasicrystals. By solving the...
Recent experiments on Kitaev spin liquid candidate materials reported non-monotonic behavior of thermal conductivity as a function of magnetic field, which lead to conflicting interpretations of its origin. Motivated by this development, we study the magnetic field dependence of thermal conductivity of a generalized Kitaev model, which allows the phase transitions between different flux...
We propose a theory of phase transitions between symmetry breaking and (intrinsic) topological phases in two-dimensional Ising spin systems. This is done by means of a parton decomposition of the Ising spins into $2N$ Majorana fermions, which are assumed at the mean-field level to form a Class D topological superconductor with Chern number $C$. Various phases are obtained by tuning $C$. For...