M2-4 Precision Techniques in Nuclear and Particle Physics (DNP) | Techniques de précision en physique des particules et des noyaux (DPN)
- Elie Korkmaz (UNBC)
In order to search for the physics beyond the Standard Model at the precision frontier, it is sometime essential to account for the Next-to-Next-Leading Order (NNLO) corrections theoretical calculations. Using the covariant approach, we calculated the full electroweak leptonic tensor up to quadratic (one loop squared) NNLO (α3) order, which can be used for the processes like e−p and μ−p...
Recent global analysis of Fermi decays, and the corresponding $V_{ud}$ determination, reveal a statistical discrepancy with the well-established SM expectation for Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix unitarity. Theoretical confirmation of the discrepancy would point to a deficiency within the SM weak sector. Necessary for extracting $V_{ud}$ from experiment is calculation of several...
A novel Machine Learning architecture has been recently developed combining cutting-edge conditional generative models with clustering algorithms. This model relies on information from one reference class and can be deployed for different applications in nuclear and particle physics, e.g., one-class classification, data quality control, and anomaly detection.
The flexibility of the...
The MOLLER experiment, in preparation at Jefferson Laboratory, in the United States, aims to constrain physics beyond the Standard Model using parity-violating Moller scattering at 11 GeV. The parity-violating asymmetry between the cross-sections for right- and left-handed helicity beam electrons scattered from the atomic electrons in a liquid hydrogen target is expected to be 35.6 ppb and...
We examine the nuclear reactions 7Li(p,y)8Be and 7Li(p,e+e-)8Be from an ab initio perspective.
Using chiral nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon forces as input, the no-core shell model with continuum technique allows us to obtain an accurate description of both 8Be bound states and p+7Li scattering states.
We investigate scattering, transfer and capture reactions with 8Be as the composite...
Experiment S1758 aims to explore the charge dependence of the strong nuclear interaction by probing $^{55}$Ni and $^{55}$Co near the doubly magic $^{56}$Ni. This will be achieved by impinging beams of radioactive $^{20}$Na and stable $^{20}$Ne upon $^{40}$Ca targets to produce $^{55}$Ni and $^{55}$Co, respectively. Charged particles and $\gamma$-rays will be detected by combining the...