5–11 Jun 2022
McMaster University
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(I) Development of hybrid assessments for a electricity and magnetism service courses

8 Jun 2022, 13:45
MDCL 1116 (McMaster University)

MDCL 1116

McMaster University

Invited Speaker / Conférencier(ère) invité(e) Physics Education / Enseignement de la physique (DPE-DEP) W2-5 DPE IV (DPE) | DEP IV (DEP)


Ania Harlick (University of Toronto) Elijah Adams (University of Toronto) Rebecca Booth (University of Toronto)


Reliable and authentic assessment methods are pivotal in both grading and improving student learning process. Traditionally all courses include a mixture of assessments that can be classified as formative or summative, with the classification tied to the type of the activity and the grade associated with it, not necessarily to the function and intended use of the feedback it provides. This project investigated a revaluation of the existing course components and restructuring them to design a cohesive set of evaluation methods that combine various assessment types. The prime focus of the newly designed assignments, activities, experiments, and exams, was the information that is returned to the student, while implementing elements of formative assessment into pieces conventionally used for grading, incorporating testing into low-stake activities, designing space for self-assessment and improvement. The final product will be a comprehensive set of hybrid assessments that can be adjusted and adapted to help each individual identify and overcome their own challenges and meet their learning goals.


Ania Harlick (University of Toronto)


Elijah Adams (University of Toronto) Rebecca Booth (University of Toronto)

Presentation materials