"The triangle" area of North Carolina, comprised of the cities of Raleigh and Durham along with the town of Chapel Hill, is rich in culture and offers many things for visitors to explore.
Science related
Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab (TUNL)
Many members of the CEvNS community might be interested in visiting Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab (TUNL) during their time in Chapel Hill. Located on the campus of Duke University, TUNL is home to several accelerator labs and has participated in myriad CEvNS-related measurements.
We will likely attempt to organize a visit to TUNL and a tour of the facility. If you are interested in seeing TUNL, please contact an organizer.
Morehead Planetarium and Science Center
Morehead Planetarium, located on the UNC campus in Chapel Hill, has a long history of science communication and outreach - including serving as a training group for celestial navigation for most NASA astronauts involved in the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab programs.
Lectures from Rainer Weiss (2017 Nobel Laureate) - CANCELLED
Unfortunately, these talks have been cancelled due to health issues.
Rai Weiss, who shared in the 2017 Nobel Prize in physics, will be giving two lectures later in the week following the workshop. For those who are still in town on Thursday, Nov. 14, Rai will give a public talk at 6PM in the FedEx Global Education Center (The Nelson Mandela Auditorium, Rm 1015) on UNC's campus, and on Friday, he will present a CoSMS Colloquium at 15:30 in Chapman 211, also on UNC campus.
Not-so-science related
NC ComiCon
Attendees of the Magnificent CEvNS meeting might enjoy checking out the NC ComiCon, which has some overlap with the workshop and will be happening in the nearby city of Durham.
Duke Lemur Center
The Duke Lemur Center, located slightly off of Duke's main campus, is home to the largest and most diverse population of lemurs off of the island of Madagascar. Reservations are essential to visit the Lemur Center, so plan ahead!