The fifth iteration of the Magnificent CEvNS workshop focusing on the process of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) will be held in Munich, Germany, from March 22 to March 24, 2023.
The workshop will take place at the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung close to the Nymphenburg castle in the center of Munich. There will be a satellite workshop on March 25, 2023, bringing together new experimental approaches and new theoretical models. The workshop is followed by a CEvNS school (March 27 to March 29) aimed at students and postdoctoral researchers who may be new to the field of CEvNS. The satellite workshop and the school will take place at the Technical University of Munich in Garching. The workshop and school programs will include optional social activities.
Proposed in 1974, but unobserved until 2017, the physics accessible with CEvNS is extensive. Magnificent CEvNS aims to bring together a broad community of researchers working either directly or peripherally on CEvNS to foster enriching discussions, direct the field as it continues to grow, and form and strengthen connections between experimentalists and theorists/phenomenologists.
A limited amount of travel support will be available for students. The Magnificent CEvNS workshop is funded by the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung. The CEvNS school is supported by the Collaborative Research Center "Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics" (SFB 1258) and the ORIGINS Excellence Cluster.
International Advisory Committee
Phillip Barbeau
Matthew Green
Janina Hakenmüller
Diane Markoff
Grayson Rich
Kate Scholberg
Raimund Strauss
Louis Strigari
Victoria Wagner
Local Organizing Committee
Raimund Strauss (Co-chair)
Victoria Wagner (Co-chair)
Andreas Erhart
Margarita Kaznacheeva
Angelina Kinast
Paola Mucciarelli
Tobias Ortmann
Luca Pattavina
Lilly Peters
Petra Riedel
Johannes Rothe
Nicole Schermer
Sabine Wenzel
Alexander Wex