The suite of detector targets as part of the COHERENT experimental program includes a ton-scale array of NaI[Tl] crystals designed to measure CEvNS interactions on sodium and iodine, and to study charged-current neutrino interactions on iodine. The 7.7 kg NaI[TI] crystals being used are repurposed detector modules and must be characterized for quality and suitability for this detector. One set of detectors is being characterized at the University of Washington. The second set of modules is being characterized at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) on Duke campus. The characterization procedure uses known gamma-ray sources and background lines for testing the crystal quality, analyzing gain response, determining energy resolution, and comparing the crystal response in different regions along its length. Qualifying crystals will be deployed to “Neutrino Alley” located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source experimental site.