The integration of negative capacitance (NC) into field-effect transistor (FET) devices, offers a promising solution to overcome the fundamental limitations in power dissipation, commonly referred to as Boltzmann tyranny. NC, characterized by a voltage increase with decreasing charge, has long been a theoretical concept but presents practical challenges in electronic device implementation....
Gallium arsenide is extensively studied for about seven decades as an excellent material for semiconductor lasers, LEDs, and microwave electronics. GaAs has noticeable advantages over silicon and Cd(Zn)Te for radiation detectors. Particularly GaAs has higher electron mobility compared to Si and Cd(Zn)Te; higher average atomic number compared to Si; and lower probability and energy of the...
4$^{\mathrm{th}}$ generation light sources will see many facilities upgrade to Diffraction Limited Storage Rings, providing brighter photon beams with greater coherence over a larger energy range. For example, Diamond-II will result in a 10-100× decrease in the electron horizontal emittance alongside an increase in the electron-beam energy from 3 to 3.5 GeV. One driver highlighted within the...
GaAs:Cr is of great interest for use as the sensor material of hybrid pixels detectors (HPDs) at fourth-generation light sources, due to its increased stopping power at higher (> 20 keV) photon energies compared with standard Si sensors [1]. Many such facilities will offer increased photon flux at higher energies, opening up new experimental possibilities. This includes X-ray fluorescence...
Radiation and particle semiconductor detectors incorporating electron-hole multiplication layers have received a growing interest within the scientific community in the last decade [1-4]. In particular, devices operating in the proportional charge multiplication region with moderate gains (< 50), commonly called Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD), have been found very challenging for high...