30 June 2024 to 4 July 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Workshop Topics


Material Analysis
X-ray diffraction and fluorescence
Protein crystallography
Tomography, high resolution and fast imaging
Biological and medical imaging
Electron microscopy
Security systems and other industrial applications
Applications at X-ray free electron lasers
Neutron imaging
Astronomical and space applications
High energy physics
Nuclear physics
Fusion research

Detector Systems

This session covers the wide variety of detector systems from extensive LHC detectors to small single systems, from visible light to heavy charged particles

Sensor Materials, Device Processing & Technologies

Silicon (single crystal and amorphous)
Gallium Arsenide, Cadmium Telluride and other semiconductors
3D and edgeless sensors
Gaseous detectors
Quantum devices
Radiation damage

Front-end Electronics and Readout

Monolithic and hybrid systems
Single photon counting and charge integrating front ends
3D asics
Monolithic active pixels sensors
Data readout architectures
Hardware and software
Data compression, transfer and storage

Imaging Theory

Imaging with ionizing radiation
Complementary imaging techniques at different lenght scales
Fluorescence mapping and tomography
Low radiation dose approaches applications
Material & life science
Multi wavelenght techniques
Element mapping in 2D / 3D
High resolution imaging
Sub ns imaging
TOF and particle tracking
High power lasers
Electron microscopy