The STAR (Southern Europe Thomson back-scattering source for Applied Research) facility is situated at the University of Calabria in Rende (CS), Italy. The construction phase concluded in 2023, and it is currently in the commissioning phase. It will serve as a user facility catering to the R&D community for comprehensive studies of various forms of matter, encompassing biological, organic, and...
A significant advantage of single-photon counting (SPC) systems, in comparison to integrating ones, is their ability to discriminate photons by their energy. This enables, among others, so called 'color imaging', i.e. radiography with photon energy differentiation. It can provide a notable enhancement in medical diagnostics, facilitating the differentiation of the x-rayed structures. This,...
Matterhorn is a new single photon counting hybrid pixel detector from the PSD Detector Group at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Its design goals are ambitious, aiming to achieve 90% counting efficiency at 20Mcounts/pixel/second while covering a 250 eV – 80 keV energy range and providing a 20 kHz continuous frame rate in 8 bit mode.
In this paper we present rate characterization done with...
The development of 4th generation synchrotrons, including Diamond-II in the UK, promises to yield exciting new science, as 10-100x flux increases (up to 10$^{12}$ ph/s/mm$^{2}$), over a wide range of energies up to 150 keV, become available to users in the next decade. However, these fluxes and energies overwhelm the capabilities of existing silicon-based detectors, which become transparent at...