A multi-TeV Muon Collider is a promising candidate for the next energy-frontier facility, allowing to achieve with a single machine both high energy reach and clean collision signature in a small environmental footprint. In particular, a collider with the centre-of-mass energy of 10 TeV is the long-term target of the ongoing international design study, while lower intermediate energies are also considered. Featuring much smaller size and lower energy consumption its discovery potential would be comparable to that of the FCC-hh with its 100 TeV centre-of-mass energy.
One of the biggest technical challenges at a Muon Collider experiment is designing a detector capable of delivering high physics performance under the extremely intense beam-induced background (BIB) that originates from the muon decays along the collider ring. It is particularly challenging in the tracking detector, where hit density can reach 1000 hits/cm^2 close to the interaction region at the total ionising dose of ~1 Mrad/year. It is therefore necessary to design the tracking detector not only for high track-reconstruction performance but also for effective and power-efficient background mitigation.
This contribution presents the latest results from a full-simulation study on the design of a Muon Collider tracking detector with emphasis on the key technical aspects driven by the beam-induced background, such as detector layout, timing resolution, granularity, material budget. Ongoing R&D efforts addressing these aspects will also be discussed.