The ATLAS collaboration will replace its inner detector by an all-silicon tracker (ITk) for the HL-LHC.
The new pixel detector will cover a sensitive area of 13m2 with about 9000 modules, made of planar and 3D silicon sensors bump bonded to readout with new Front-End ASIC.
The pixel modules are loaded on light-weight carbon structures in the form of (half)rings and staves.
A serial powering scheme allows save material in the service cables.
Electrically functional prototypes of these local supports based on the most up to date readout chip were built.
Extensive system-level tests of these structures were carried out evaluating serial powering, grounding and shielding, system monitoring, and the overall performance of the multi-module detector systems.
The on-going development of the system test includes also Data Acquisition electronics, Detector Control System and Interlock, to monitor and control multi-modules systems.
In this contribution, the results of these system tests will be presented.