- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Meeting was opened by MVD and had a brief discussion on obtaining consensus for a regular time for the meeting. This time (Thursday at 12 Noon ET was determined to be o.k. for the moment).
Frequency of the meeting was decided to be every 2 weeks and limit the meeting to less than 1 hour.
MVD will create a calendar and provide it to the list.
Sebastian's talk on Nuclear scattering. Jianming wanted to know further details on the background model for
scattering off protons. This will require further work with detailed detector MC.
Wenjie Wu's presentation: Maria asked how the event containment would be for 500-800 GeV neutrino events. This is an important question. Current focus of the simulations was to make sure that the detector had good acceptance for DM scattering events. Next set of simulations need to cover neutrino detection.
Yichen outlined a set of decisions that need to be made regarding the detector. He has simply made some assumptions and created an extremely preliminary drawing.
A number of requirements need to be understood.
1) The size of the detector depends on the requirement on event containment.
1.a dark matter scattering event containment
1.b electron and tau neutrino event containment
1.c muon neutrino event recognition and tracking.
2) Any additions to the detector with a dense tracker for hadron or muon range
3) Requirements on event separation using timing information.
4) Requirements on timing with respect to the primary event at the IP
5) Event reconstruction in the TPC. There are many decisions here on resolution and sparsity.
MBishai points out that the DUNE VD elecrtode design might be more appropriate. And also that ICARUS in Gan Sasso saw 30 GeV events.
Hooman suggested we make the permanent time for this meeting to be 12:30 - 1:30.
MVD will send out a note suggesting the permanent time and frequency.