2–6 Dec 2019
Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico
America/Bogota timezone

Charged current 𝑏→𝑐𝜏𝜈¯𝜏 anomalies in a general 𝑊′ boson scenario

4 Dec 2019, 15:00
Teatrino 1 (Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico)

Teatrino 1

Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico

Universidad del Atlántico Carrera 30 No. 8-49 Puerto Colombia, Atlántico


John Gomez (UdeA-ITM)


The very recent experimental information obtained from Belle experiment, along with the one accumulated by the BABAR and LHCb experiments have shown the existence of anomalies in the ratios R(D) and R(D∗) associated with the charged current transition b→cτν¯τ. We present a phenomenological study of parameter space allowed by the new experimental b→cτν¯τ data and with the mono-tau signature pp→τhX+MET at the LHC. For comparison, we include some of the W′ boson NP realizations that have already been studied in the literature.


John Gomez (UdeA-ITM)

Presentation materials