Social dinner:
It will take place on Wednesday night, at Restaurante La Cueva. The diner will include: a cup of wine, shrimp cocktail, the main dish (fish, rice and veggies), a soft drink and a dessert. The cost of this is COP$85.000 (US$25.00), to be paid only in cash when registering. Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements or allergies.
Venue and lunch in the area:
Please have a look at the map on the home page, it has the location of the venue, and some restaurants suggested around the university area.
Airport arrival and transportation:
The best way to reach your hotel from the airport is by taxi. There is a kiosk before leaving the luggage area where you can book a taxi. There you can also change money. For transportation in the city Uber works well, or you can ask at your hotel for a taxi.
Friday activities:
There is no formal tour planned so far, Friday will be free for exploring Barranquilla. If enough people are interested, we will try to book something during the week.
You may have heard of demonstrations going on across the country for the past weeks. It is not clear when these will stop and there is no guarantee that we will not run into delays or inconveniences because of that. However, there is nothing to be concerned about, and we will keep you informed if there is anything you should be aware of (possibly detours or closed roads).