3–7 Dec 2018
Santiago de Cali, Colombia
America/Bogota timezone

Deviations to Tri-Bi-Maximal mixing in the limit of $\mu-\tau$ symmetry

4 Dec 2018, 15:40
Auditorio Auxiliar del Aula Máxima (Bloque 3, Piso 4)) (Santiago de Cali, Colombia)

Auditorio Auxiliar del Aula Máxima (Bloque 3, Piso 4))

Santiago de Cali, Colombia

Universidad Santiago de Cali, Calle 5 # 62-00 (Barrio Pampalinda)
Parallel talk


Mrs Diana Rivera (USC)


In the limit of an approximate $\mu-\tau$ symmetry in the neutrino mass matrix, we explore deviations to the Tri-Bi-Maximal mixing pattern in the neutrino sector. The correction matrix is parametrized as $U_{ij}(\phi,\sigma)U(\alpha_1,\alpha_2)$, where $\phi$ is the rotation angle in the $ij$ flavors, and $\sigma$, $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$ are complex phases. We show that the $ij=13$ and $23$ scenarios are able to predict the current values of neutrino mixings and that it is possible to constrain the Majorana $CP$ phases by studying their correlation with the mixing angles. We study the impact of such predictions in the neutrinoless double beta decay. The predicted regions are sharp for the quasi-degenerate ordering and can be tested in forthcoming experiments.


Mrs Diana Rivera (USC)

Presentation materials