In the limit of an approximate $\mu-\tau$ symmetry in the neutrino mass matrix, we explore deviations to the Tri-Bi-Maximal mixing pattern in the neutrino sector. The correction matrix is parametrized as $U_{ij}(\phi,\sigma)U(\alpha_1,\alpha_2)$, where $\phi$ is the rotation angle in the $ij$ flavors, and $\sigma$, $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$ are complex phases. We show that the $ij=13$ and $23$ scenarios are able to predict the current values of neutrino mixings and that it is possible to constrain the Majorana $CP$ phases by studying their correlation with the mixing angles. We study the impact of such predictions in the neutrinoless double beta decay. The predicted regions are sharp for the quasi-degenerate ordering and can be tested in forthcoming experiments.