Speaker: Dr. Oscar Camacho
Sliding Mode Control Approaches Applied to Trajectory Tracking for Non-holonomic Mobile Robots
Sliding Mode Control (SMC) has been demonstrated to be a robust solution to control nonlinear systems under the presence of model uncertainties and disturbances. Therefore, this work shows the design, implementation, and comparison of three controllers based on the SMC concepts. The three controllers implemented are a conventional SMC controller and two variants: Dynamic Sliding Mode Control (D-SMC) and Dual Sliding Mode Control (DM-SMC). These controllers were designed based on an approximated model, which makes them suitable to control any system whose behavior can be approximated to a First Order Plus Delay Time (FOPDT) system. In this paper, the performance of the three controllers was evaluated for solving the Trajectory Tracking Problem (TTP) of a Non-holonomic Mobile Robot (NMR) in three different trajectory types. The results of each controller were quantified by performance indices and compared to a typical PI controller showing the advantages and disadvantages of each controller according to the case tested.
Short Bio
Oscar Camacho (Senior Member IEEE) received a bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering from Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida, Venezuela, in 1984. He received the MSc. Control Engineering in 1992 (ULA). In 1994 he got a ME in Chemical Engineering and, in 1996, a Ph.D. at the University of South Florida (USF). Post-doctoral development activities at USF in 2001. He has held teaching and research positions at ULA, PDVSA (Venezuela), USF (USA), Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Ecuador), and currently at Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Quito (Ecuador). He was Head of the School of Electrical Engineering, Coordinator of the Master Program in Automation and Instrumentation, and Dean of the Engineering Faculty at ULA from 2005 until 2014. He is an Associate Editor of ISA Transactions. His current research includes sliding mode control and long delay process control systems. He has published more than 200 publications in journals and conference proceedings.