XIV International Conference on Computing and Informatics in North of Chile (INFONOR-CHILE 2023)
September 6, 7 and 8, 2023
Universidad Católica del Norte
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are glad to invite you to attend the XIV International Conference on Computing and Informatics in the North of Chile (INFONOR2023). This year 2023 the conference will be held as a Hybrid Conference (virtual and face-to-face combined).
The XIV version of INFONOR - CHILE will be held in the city of Antofagasta on September 6, 7 and 8, 2023, and organized by the Department of Computing and Systems Engineering of the Universidad Católica del Norte (Antofragasta, Chile). This event is annualy co-organized by a consortium of the following four universities in the north of Chile:
- Universidad de Tarapacá (Arica).
- Universidad Arturo Prat. (Iquique).
- Universidad Católica del Norte. (Antofagasta).
- Universidad de Atacama. (Copiapó).
One of the objectives of this event is to become a meeting point to present and discuss scientific contributions from the different disciplines of Computer Science and Informatics, applied research and innovation in technological-industrial activities. For this, the following activities are considered:
- Presentations of articles with scientific contribution.
- Presentations of work experiences of the ICT industry.
- Tutorials and invited talks by leading researchers.
- Workshops.
INFONOR CHILE 2023 will include the following workshops:
- Workshop on Automation and Robotics.
- Workshop on Data and Knowledge Engineering.
- Workshop on Software Process Improvement.
- Workshop on Education in Computing and Informatics.
- Workshop on Innovation and Technology Transfer.
- Workshop on Advanced Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment.
The purpose of this edition is to be a forum for technical exchange among researchers, scientists, professionals, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and interested people on new advances of Computing and Informatics, being a meeting point to address new challenges, share solutions and create networking for future research.
The conference will host simultaneous mixed sessions with in-person and virtual participants to allow hybrid interactions among participants. We want to contribute to promote inclusion, generation of knowledge, and dissemination of new results without restrictions for people around the world.
The languages of the papers are English, Spanish and Portuguese; however, we suggest English for further international dissemination. The languages for oral presentations of the papers in the conference are English, Spanish and Portuguese because they represent the most common languages in the region of Latin American and Caribbean.
All submitted papers will be reviewed by program committee members and selected based on their clarity of presentation, originality, relevance, and significance. At least one author from the paper is required to register and present the paper at the INFONOR 2023 conference. International authors may choose to present their paper in person or online. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit a revised version of their papers to be considered for publication in either a special issue or a regular issue of two international journals.
Organizing Institutions:
