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The XIV version of INFONOR CHILE will be held in the city of Antofagasta, Chile, on September 6, 7 and 8, 2023.
In this presentation, we examine the important role of immersive interactive display spaces in supporting data analysis and sensemaking activity. Why is the large physical space offered by immersive displays, both 2D and 3D, important to human sensemaking? How are large spaces fundamentally different from traditional displays when used for sensemaking? How do they help with analytical processes? What is the relationship between display space and computational AI and analytics? How should we design large interactive spaces to maximize human+AI sensemaking performance? We examine how physical space plays fundamental roles at several levels in sensemaking: embodied visualization, embodied interaction, embodied cognition, embodied computing with AI/ML algorithms, and embodied collaboration. Our synthesis of these roles will help illuminate a path forward for future research in immersive analytics and advancing human sensemaking capability in a data-intensive world.
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Sanghani Center for AI and Data Analytics, Virginia Tech, USA
Las metodologías de mejoramiento continuo permean los procesos de los diferentes sectores económicos. Una de las metodologías más relevantes es Lean Manufacturing que se aborda en el desarrollo de software. Lean Poker Card es una actividad gamificada que permite introducir los principios de lean en un equipo de trabajo experimentando de manera divertida como los principios lean pueden mejorar un proceso. El objetivo de la charla es aplicar esta actividad para dar a conocer la metodología Lean en el contexto de mejora de procesos software.
Seismic risk assessment is a vital process for evaluating and mitigating the potential impacts of earthquakes on various exposure elements such as buildings, infrastructure and human lives. It involves estimating the probability and intensity of earthquake ground motions, as well as the vulnerability and exposure of the exposed elements. In recent years, significant advances have been made in seismic hazard and risk assessment.
Jammu and Kashmir, a region in northern India, is one of the most seismically active regions in the world, and has experienced several devastating earthquakes in the past. This paper presents some of the recent advances in seismic risk assessment for Jammu and Kashmir with a focus on stochastic hazard assessment, exposure and fragility function development, and seismic risk assessment. In addition, it also includes a case study of a stochastic scenario earthquake event with a defined return-period, along with its loss scenario for Srinagar city in Jammu and Kashmir region.
Sliding Mode Control (SMC) has been demonstrated to be a robust solution to control nonlinear systems under the presence of model uncertainties and disturbances. Therefore, this work shows the design, implementation, and comparison of three controllers based on the SMC concepts. The three controllers implemented are a conventional SMC controller and two variants: Dynamic Sliding Mode Control (D-SMC) and Dual Sliding Mode Control (DM-SMC). These controllers were designed based on an approximated model, which makes them suitable to control any system whose behavior can be approximated to a First Order Plus Delay Time (FOPDT) system. In this paper, the performance of the three controllers was evaluated for solving the Trajectory Tracking Problem (TTP) of a Non-holonomic Mobile Robot (NMR) in three different trajectory types. The results of each controller were quantified by performance indices and compared to a typical PI controller showing the advantages and disadvantages of each controller according to the case tested.
Place: El Balcón de Mario Restaurant
Av Vicente Caballero 6171, Antofagasta
El invierno de I.A. duro 70 años, pero estalló en primavera cuando, a principios de 2023, ChatGPT se convirtió en el invento de difusión más rápida de la historia. Los modelos de aprendizaje profundo de transformadores están tomando por asalto nuestra realidad digital, agregando ingredientes potentes a un caldero de innovación que está siendo aderezado con ingredientes de blockchain y metaverso 3D. El paradigma de la comunicación digital y los datos ciertamente ha avanzado hacia la era del conocimiento y los algoritmos. Una revisión de estas tendencias recientes nos obliga a revisar también las limitaciones de este paradigma. La desinformación y las noticias falsas, las adicciones y los problemas de salud mental, la polarización política y la manipulación comercial son algunas de las consecuencias de un creciente desequilibrio de control entre lo artificial y lo humano. Al final, estas tecnologías son extensiones de la mente humana. Mantener el control sobre las estructuras globales de información y conocimiento también requerirá que la mente humana evolucione a un nuevo nivel. Discutimos las implicaciones. Más, aquí: https://www.martinhilbert.net & https://www.youtube.com/@Prof.MartinHilbert