9–13 Jan 2023
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Chile/Continental timezone

QED Fermions in a noisy magnetic field background

13 Jan 2023, 08:30
Building T (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)

Building T

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Avda. España 1680, Valparaíso, Chile


Prof. Marcelo Loewe (Facultad de Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Diseño, Universidad San Sebastián)


We consider the effects of a noisy magnetic field background over the fermion propagator in QED, as an approximation to the spatial inhomogeneities that would naturally arise in certain physical scenarios, such as heavy ion collisions or the quark gluon plasma in the early stages of the evolution of the universe. We consider a classical, finite and uniform magnetic field background ⟨𝐁(𝐱)⟩=𝐁, subject to white-noise spatial fluctuations with auto-correlation of magnitude Δ𝐵. By means of the Schwinger representation of the propagator in the average magnetic field as a reference system, we used the replica formalism to study the effects of the magnetic noise in the form of renormalized quasi-particle parameters, leading to an effective charge and an effective refraction index, that depend not only on the energy scale, as usual, but also on the magnitude of the noise Δ𝐵 and the average field 𝐁.

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