3:50 PM
Phenomenological aspects of the fermion and scalar sectors of a $S_4$ flavored 3-3-1 model
Maria Luisa Mora Urrutia
4:20 PM
Superposing and Decay Process of Mass-Massless Type Two Identical Wave Potentials
Sheetal Dhungana
(VS Niketan)
4:20 PM
The renormalization scale-setting problem in QCD
Daniel Salinas-Arizmendi
(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)
4:20 PM
Search for Magnetic Monopoles produced via the Schwinger Mechanism at the LHC
Aditya Upreti
(The University of Alabama)
4:20 PM
Sensitivity of direct detection experiments to neutrino magnetic dipole moments
Rocío Branada Balbontín
(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)
4:20 PM
Gamma ray signals from primordial black hole evaporation
Luis Recabarren
(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)
4:20 PM
Predictive extended 3HDM with $S_4$ family symmetry.
Juan Manuel Marchant González
(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)
4:20 PM
Production of Mono-Higgs and Mono-Z in the Minimal Spin-one Isotriplet Dark Matter Model in pp Collisions
Gonzalo Benitez Irarrazabal