In this work, the Left-Right Symmetric Model (LRSM) has been realized with the modular group of level 3, that is, $\Gamma(3)$ and weight 2, which is isomorphic to non-abelian discrete symmetry group $A_4$. As, it is a well known fact there are physics beyond the Standard Model framework, where several phenomenological studies can be carried out. In our present work, we are concerned about the study of leptogenesis (resonant leptogenesis) in LRSM, at different $SU(2)_R$ breaking scales.
The advantage of using modular symmetry is that, we do not need to use any extra particles (flavons) for obtaining the desired results within the realization of the model. In the present work, we have considered different values of mass of the right-handed gauge boson namely 3.5,5,10 and 18 TeV to study leptogenesis. It has been observed that the results are well within the bounds set by the experiments which suggests that the study of leptogenesis via $\Gamma(3)$ modular realization can prove to be a consistent theory and would help us in further phenomenology herefafter.