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INVITED TALK 8: Geoffrey Compère

24 Feb 2017, 10:50
Other Institutes

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Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca INFN Sezione Milano - Bicocca Piazza della Scienza 3 - U2 20126 Milan Italy


Title: The E7 black hole entropy

I will first review the construction of the most general non-extremal single center black hole of N=8 supergravity. Its seed is a black hole with 5 independent electromagnetic charges. The appropriate setting to describe the seed solution is the STU model with SO(4,4) hidden symmetries. Some properties of the black hole will be described such as the existence of two regular extremal limits, the presence of a conformal Killing tensor and a mysterious entropy product formula. I will then describe the construction of an E7 invariant which allows to express the black hole entropy.

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