27 September 2021 to 1 October 2021
Indiana University
America/Indiana/Indianapolis timezone

Lepton flavor violating tau decays with a light gauge boson

28 Sept 2021, 14:15
Virtual (Indiana University)


Indiana University


Marcela Marín (Cinvestav)


$L\to\ell\chi$ decays (with $\chi$ a boson associated to this lepton flavor violation, LFV) have not been described satisfactorily so far for light spin-one $m_\chi$. In particular, observables exhibited an unphysical divergence in the limit of massless $\chi$, associated to its longitudinal polarizations. Based on gauge symmetry, we show how to correct this issue. To this end, we consider two general models realizing the effective field theory description. Being the LFV generated either at tree level or at one loop, these processes are well behaved for light $m_\chi$. We discuss the most salient phenomenological consequences and its relevance in the searches for this kind of decays.

What is your topic? Lepton universality and flavour violation


Marcela Marín (Cinvestav)


Dr Alejandro Ibarra (Technische Universität München) Pablo Roig Garcés

Presentation materials