The charged Lepton Flavor Violation (cLFV) is highly suppressed in the Standard Model (SM) by the finite but tiny neutrino masses. Its branching fraction is calculated to be at a negligible level and so far none has been found in all the historical experiments, including searches in lepton ($\mu$,$\tau$) decays, pseudoscalar meson (K,$\pi$) decays, vector meson ($\phi$,$J/\psi$,$\Upsilon$) decays, Higgs decays etc. This talk reviews the charged Lepton Flavor Violation process searches at BESIII experiement. Besides the result for the decay of $J/\psi\to e\mu$ published earlier, the decay of Jpsi-> e tau, with
tau->pi- pi0 nv_tau is searched with the 10 Billion $J/\psi$ events
collected by BESIII and the result improves the previously published limit by two orders of magnitude. Future perspectives will also be discussed.
What is your topic? | Lepton universality and flavour violation |