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26–30 Sept 2021
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TPS Special Issue on Electrical Discharges in Vacuum - 2022

Dear Colleague,

This is the first call for the submission of papers to the “Special Issue - Electrical Discharges in Vacuum” of IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science which should be published in August 2022.

This Issue has been planned in conjunction with the 29th ISDEIV2020 Conference, held in remote format in 2021. So, I strongly encourage you to submit an extended version of your contribution at the ISDEIV 2020 to this Special Issue. The invitation is also addressed to any other Author willing to submit a manuscript relevant to the field of the Electrical Discharge in Vacuum.

Before any review process, your manuscript must pass the antiplagiarism check required by the IEEE publication policy; thus, your manuscript must be original and never published in any other Journal or Conference Proceeding. In particular, if the contribution has been accepted for publication to the ISDEIV2020 Proceedings, it MUST BE SUBSTANTIALLY REVISED AND LENGTHENED; on the contrary, it will be rejected for self-plagiarism.

All contributions should be submitted electronically logging in the IEEE Manuscript Central web site: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tps-ieee

For the preparation of your manuscript, follow the instructions reported in the top-right tab “Instructions & Forms” of the IEE Manuscript Central webpage.

To submit your paper to the Special Issue, please select “Special Issue on Electrical Discharges in Vacuum - 2022” in the “Type” section.

Do not send your paper to the LOC of ISDEIV 2020: it will not be processed.

All papers will undergo a standard peer-review process typical for all IEEE Transactions and Journals. The deadline for the submission is December 31th, 2021.

Although no special issue is planned, all presenters at ISDEIV 2020 on Vacuum Insulation, Fundamentals and Applications are encouraged -alternatively- to submit their papers to the IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (TDEI)

Best regards,

Antonio De Lorenzi

Guest editor for the Special Issue