The history of gas discharge physics dates back to the early 1800s when V.V. Petrov discovered arc discharge. Since then, the physics of gas discharges is presumably one of the best-studied fields in modern science. Yet, after more than two hundred years of experience, the fundamental questions about discharge phenomena are still vivid, especially within the gaseous particle detector...
One of the key challenges in R&D strategies for RPCs is the replacement of currently used C$_2$H$_2$F$_4$ and SF$_6$ with environmentally friendly alternatives. Usually, the C$_2$H$_2$F$_4$ is replaced by a proper mixture of C$_3$H$_2$F$_4$ and CO$_2$, while CF$_3$I, C$_4$F$_7$N and C$_5$F$_{10}$O were considered as alternatives to SF$_6$. In the first part of this work, we propose complete...
F-gas regulations foresee restrictions and bans of highly potent greenhouse gases such as R134a and SF6 used in RPCs. Current research is dedicated to finding an environmentally friendly gas mixture replacement for RPCs. Simulations of RPCs are crucial in supporting and extending the mostly experimental-based research of identifying suitable eco-friendly alternatives.
To date, there is no...
An investigation of avalanche formation in Resistive Chambers with a cylindrical geometry is presented in this report. Resistive Cylindrical Chambers (RCC) were proposed in the last decade with the purpose of improving conventional Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC). The new geometry allows for the increase of gas pressure in the gas gap, leading to an increase in efficiency as well as a slightly...
We present a 2.5D Particle-in-Cell Monte Carlo collision (PIC/MCC) and a 2D fluid model of RPCs. The PIC/MCC model uses a Monte Carlo technique and a 2D numerical grid coupled with Poisson equation solver to track individual electrons and their collisions with the background gas in 3D. The fluid model is based on drift-diffusion-reaction equation and local field approximation. Both models rely...