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Sep 9 – 13, 2024
Europe/Madrid timezone

Advancements in Simulating C3H2F4-Based Gas Mixtures for Resistive Plate Chambers

Sep 12, 2024, 10:50 AM


Dr Antonio Bianchi


One of the primary objectives of R&D strategies for Resistive Plate Chambers
(RPCs) is to replace the currently used gases with more environmentally friendly
alternatives. Current research is particularly focused on substituting C2H2F4, which
is widely used in high concentrations in RPCs, with C3H2F4, a more
environmentally friendly gas.
This contribution presents a comprehensive set of scattering cross sections for
electrons in C3H2F4. These cross sections are validated through a systematic
comparison of electron swarm parameters calculated using the Monte Carlo
simulation MATOQ with experimental data obtained from a pulsed Townsend
experiment. Furthermore, we demonstrate that simulation results for the effective
Townsend coefficient and drift velocity are in good agreement with measurements
obtained directly from an RPC using a laser beam to ionize C3H2F4-based
mixtures. Finally, we discuss the dependence of the effective Townsend coefficient
and drift velocity on the electric field for gas mixtures currently under study in the
RPC community, especially those investigated by the RPC-ECOGAS@GIF++
The findings from this work can contribute to simulating the behavior of RPCs
operating with gas mixtures containing C3H2F4. These results have the potential to
significantly advance experimental research aimed at identifying environmentally
friendly gas mixtures for RPCs.


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